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“Laugh at cancer… Really? Why would you do that? Simple really. When you laugh, there is no room for anything else. Laughter brings its own natural mindfulness that in turn brings our mind into connection with our body, and connects us joyfully with others. In doing so, laughter effortlessly transforms some of the darker emotions that can accompany cancer, enabling a deeper level of healing. So how do you laugh at cancer? Read Laughing at cancer! It’s full of personal experience, useful facts and great tips. And the smile will come from deep within.”

Ian Gawler OAM

Author of Meditation - an In-depth Guide

and The Mind that Changes Everything

“Being diagnosed with the big “C-word”, CANCER, is discouraging. Still, the author of this book has found a couple other “C-words’ to help her, and you, navigate that journey. Those words are “compassion” and “comedy.” The former consisting of techniques in mindfulness and positive psychology and the latter which embraces life with laughter despite the disease. Filled with healing ideas, provocative questions, and lots of heart, this book is a must-read for anyone facing a life-challenging issue.”

Allen Klein, MA, CSP

Author of The Healing Power of Humor

and You Can’t Ruin My Day

“Standing back from and seeing the funny side of life, even cancer, can be profoundly therapeutic. It is for this reason that I suspect this book will be as healing for those who read it as it was for Ros Ben-Moshe who wrote it. Read it, cry and laugh, and, having read it, live every day with greater wisdom, passion and intention.”

A/Prof. Craig Hassed MBBS, FRACGP

Mindfulness Coordinator, Monash University

Author Mindfulness for Life

“It is rare that a book has such a strong impact on my spirit. Ros describes her life-changing cancer journey so vividly, that I felt like I was right beside her every step of the way. Her journals transcend routine narratives and provide a powerful and poignant message of how one can find strength during the dreaded “C” diagnosis. Anyone living with chronic illness will benefit from the description of how a focus on positive energy can create healing techniques. Of special interest was how laughter became a form of mindful practice leading to her enhanced well-being. The creative questions at the end of each chapter stimulated additional personal insights. This book is a must read.”

Mary Kay Morrison

Director Humor Quest. http://www.questforhumor.com/

Educator, Speaker, Author of Using Humor to Maximize Living.

President of AATH (Association for Applied

and Therapeutic Humor)

“This is a supremely captivating, inspiring, and penetrating book. Ros Ben Moshe explores the panoply of emotions that accompany a diagnosis of cancer, its treatment, and rehabilitation. She documents in engaging prose the process of coping with a universal vulnerability that affects millions of people around the world. The writing is exquisite, the story is powerful, and the message is compelling. This is more than a book about cancer. It is about how human beings can cope with frailties through laughter and love. The book will enrich your life and help you set priorities. Read it and recommend it to friends and loved ones. They will thank you.”

Professor Isaac Prilleltensky

Author of The Laughing Guide to Well-Being: Using Humor and Science

to Become Happier and Healthier, Dean School of Education and

Human Development and Vice Provost for Institutional

Culture, University of Miami.

“Ros Ben-Moshe has encapsulated the true meaning of ‘laughter as medicine’, demonstrating that even in your darkest moments you can choose to laugh and reap the health benefits of laughter. This book eloquently describes how when you laugh, you change and when you read this book your world will change as well.”

Dr Madan Kataria

Founder Laughter Clubs Movement

Author of Laugh for No Reason

“An honest journal unfolds the daily truth of our lives with all its complexity—its interwoven strands making a whole. Sharing such truth is a generous gift. With her offering, Ros has revealed to us that laughter lightens the loads which we bear. She has reminded us of what we all once knew as children: laughter IS the very best medicine. Walking along Ros’ way for a time may help each of us find our own.”

Dr Rick Hayes

Former Head of the Department of Community Health,

La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

“In time to come, the healing professions will conclude that belief, mind, attitude, and emotional mastery are the key ingredients for health and wellbeing. They will turn to this very approachable first-person read and point to Ros as being a prime example of how one person’s determination to rise beyond victimhood of disease, contributed to recovery. If positivity is the doorway, and self-mastery the lock, then laughter is the key. If Ros does nothing else through this book than to inspire us to laugh at one’s incipient and growing fear of the ‘big C’ then she will have contributed hugely to our wholeness and wellness.”

Rabbi D. Laibl Wolf

Author of best-selling Practical Kabbala (Random House)

and Dean, Spiritgrow Wholistic Centre, Australia.

“Ros has bravely combined two human experiences that are usually on different ends of the spectrum we call life. And braver still, decided to share her very personal experiences so others can benefit from her insights. If you or your loved one is facing cancer, and you have an inkling that laughter, mindfulness, relaxation or even a smile could somehow help, this is the book for you. Certainly, laughing in such circumstances isn’t easy, but not laughing doesn’t make it any easier either. May you find some hope and inspiration through the words in this powerfully unique approach!”

Shamash Alidina

Author of Mindfulness for Dummies

Laughter is an untapped science. We didn’t really know until now how to use it as a reliable therapeutic tool, but we do now and the results are amazing. In this book Ros Ben-Moshe takes you through her journey healing from cancer and the insights she gained along the way. Laughter is not the whole prescription, but she shows you how it made everything whole for her and how it can help you too. It’s a message of hope and a valuable source of inspiration for people facing adversity.”

Sebastien Gendry

Creator of the Laughter Wellness method

Laughing at Cancer

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