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All about… YOU!


Before I explain about myself, or introduce you to any of my life or ideas. You must first learn about who you, truly are, and once you realise that, you will then realise why this book is so important to your life and what it shall help you accomplish.

You are a pathetic waste of space, which is why at this very moment in time, you are reading this sentence.

Your very birthing delivery was a joke; you were born as a joke so you would stick out in this world and give other human beings the satisfaction of laughing at your pathetic excuse for life.

You have the intellectual capabilities of a flaccid penis.

You fail so bad that in time it becomes a win, but because you fail so badly still, it again becomes so much of a win that it in time, again becomes a fail.

Your parents consist of an old lady and a chemistry set.

You don’t have a job.

You lost the game before it started.

You will die soon.

You are the reason that people suffer.

You do not deserve to read these words.

You (and this is the worst part of all), ARE YOU!

Okay, so your self confidence is gone now? Good. You are ready to be motivated, you are ready to be shaped into greatness. It is time to introduce your feeble mind, to the one; the only, ragreynolds.

But wait! You don’t like how I just spoke to you? You don’t agree with The Epitome of Greatness? You know why I’m the best? Because I say I’m the best, and if you don’t like it, then come do something about it.

The Epitome of Perfection

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