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In the zodiac, Geminis are represented by twins. The twins symbolize their dual nature, their dexterity to change modes quickly, and their ability to hold multiple sets of morals and ideals to be simultaneously true. We could stop this chapter here, because this establishes the baseline truth about Geminis: they’re two-faced. They’ll say one thing to your face, and as soon as they’re with someone else, they’ll bust out with a completely different opinion. They don’t hesitate to flip-flop in their friendships, their politics, or their morals. If you want to be constantly surprised, befriend a Gemini. You never know what they’re going to say or do.

Geminis also can’t shut up. They think a lot, and they speak a lot, but unfortunately for the rest of humanity, they don’t always do it in the correct order. Geminis have to talk through ideas to understand them more thoroughly, and they love to bounce ideas off other people as they’re developing them. This means that at least half of what comes out of their mouth consists of completely unformed ideas, or—in layman’s terms—verbal diarrhea. Geminis gravitate to others who speak their minds, even if their ideas vary from what is currently considered to be socially acceptable. They also read everything they can get their hands on and like to work their well-read nature into conversations, to prove that they aren’t as bird-brained as some of their conversations would lead onlookers to believe.

Because of their dual nature and their social behavior, Geminis find themselves surrounded by a large and diverse group of friends. If you’re ever invited to a Gemini’s party, assume that you’re going to positively detest at least a third of the people there. If you ever casually mention to a Gemini that their friends are scumbags, they’ll just laugh it off and say something infuriating like, “It takes all kinds, doesn’t it, chap?” Geminis love the thrill of taking risks, even when that means associating with less desirable social circles.

Bad Birthdays: The Truth Behind Your Crappy Sun Sign

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