Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 245


Al-Nisa’ 4: 136–7

Do not, then, follow your own desires lest you keep away from justice. If you twist or turn away from (the Truth), know that Allah is well aware of all that you do.

(136) Believers! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Book He has revealed to His Messenger, and in the Book He revealed before.85 And whoever disbelieves in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day,86 has indeed strayed far away. (137) Allah will neither forgive nor show the Right Way to those who believed, and then disbelieved, then believed, and again disbelieved, and thence- forth became ever more intense in their disbelief. ▶

85 To ask the believers to “believe” might at first sight seem strange. The fact is, however, that belief as used here has two meanings. In the first instance, belief denotes that a man has preferred to acknowledge the soundness of God’s true guidance, to distance himself from the fold of those who disbelieve, and to join the camp of the believers. In the second instance, however, belief denotes firm faith, a man’s believing in the Truth with all his heart, with full earnestness and sincerity. This verse is addressed to all those who are “believers” in the first sense of the term, and they are asked to transform themselves into true believers, i.e. believers in the second sense.

86 Kufr has two meanings. One signifies categorical rejection. The other signifies that pretence of belief even when one’s heart is not fully convinced or one’s conduct is flagrantly opposed to the demands of one’s belief.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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