Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 246


Al-Nisa’ 4: 138–42

(138) Give tidings of painful chastisement to the hypocrites (139) who take the unbelievers for their allies in preference to the believers. Do they seek honour from them whereas honour altogether belongs to Allah alone? (140) Allah has enjoined upon you in the Book that when you hear the Signs of Allah being rejected and scoffed at, you will not sit with them until they engage in some other talk, or else you will become like them. Know well, Allah will gather the hypocrites and the unbelievers in Hell – all together. (141) These hypocrites watch you closely: if victory is granted to you by Allah, they will say: “Were we not with you?” And were the unbelievers to gain the upper hand, they will say: “Did we not have mastery over you, and yet we protected you from the believers?” It is Allah Who will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection, and He will not allow the un- believers, in any way, to gain advantage over the believers.

(142) Behold, the hypocrites seek to delude Allah, but it is He Who has subjected them to delusion. ▶


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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