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 Colour.—Black, with white on face, feet and tip of tail.

 Skin.—Fine, and free from wrinkles.

 Hair.—Long, fine, and plentiful.

 Head.—Moderately short, face dished, snout broad; and wide between the eyes and ears.

 Ears.—Fairly large, carried erect or slightly inclined forward, and fringed with fine hair.

 Neck.—Medium length, evenly set on shoulders; jowl full and not heavy.

 Shoulders.—Fine and well sloped backwards; free from coarseness.

 Back.—Long and straight, ribs well sprung, sides deep.

 Hams.—Wide and deep to hocks.

 Tail.—Set high, and fairly large.

 Flank.—Deep and well let down, and making straight under line.

 Legs and Feet.—Short, straight, and strong, set wide apart, and hoofs nearly erect.

 Imperfections.—A perfectly black face, foot, or tail. A white ear. A crooked jaw. White or sandy spots, or white skin on the body. A rose back. A very coarse mane, and inbent knees.

The Pig: Breeding, Rearing, and Marketing

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