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LARGE BLACK PIG Scale of Points

Head.—Medium length and wide between the ears 5
Ears.—Thin, inclined well over the face, and not extendingbeyond point of nose 4
Neck.—Fairly long and muscular 3
Chest.—Wide and deep 3
Shoulders.—Well developed, in line with the ribs 8
Back.—Long and level 15
Ribs.—Well sprung 5
Sides.—Very deep 8
Loin.—Broad 5
Belly and Flank.—Thick and well developed 7
Quarters.—Long, wide, and not drooping 8
Hams.—Large and well filled to hocks 10
Tail.—Set high, of moderate size 3
Legs.—Short, straight, flat, and strong 5
Skin and Coat.—Fine and soft, with moderate quantity of straight, silky hair 8

 Objections.—Head—narrow forehead or dished nose. Ears—thick, coarse, or pricked. Coat—curly or coarse, with rose, bristly mane. Skin—wrinkled.

 Disqualification.—Colour—any other than black.

The Pig: Breeding, Rearing, and Marketing

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