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Canto 1

The Symbol Dawn

Dark Beginning

It was the hour before the Gods awake.

Across the path of the divine Event

The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone

In her unlit temple of eternity,

Lay stretched immobile upon Silence’ marge.

Almost one felt, opaque, impenetrable,

In the sombre symbol of her eyeless muse

The abysm of the unbodied Infinite;

A fathomless zero occupied the world.


The Revelation and the Flame

Insensibly somewhere a breach began:

A long lone line of hesitating hue

Like a vague smile tempting a desert heart

Troubled the far rim of life’s obscure sleep.

Arrived from the other side of boundlessness

An eye of deity peered through the dumb deeps;

A scout in a reconnaissance from the sun,


The God-Light

All grew a consecration and a rite.

Air was a vibrant link between earth and heaven;

The wide-winged hymn of a great priestly wind

Arose and failed upon the altar hills;

The high boughs prayed in a revealing sky.

Here where our half-lit ignorance skirts the gulfs

On the dumb bosom of the ambiguous earth,

Here where one knows not even the step in front

And Truth has her throne on the shadowy back of doubt,

On this anguished and precarious field of toil

Outspread beneath some large indifferent gaze,

Impartial witness of our joy and bale,

Our prostrate soil bore the awakening ray.


Mortality and the Eternal’s Touch

Hard is it to persuade earth-nature’s change;

Mortality bears ill the eternal’s touch:

It fears the pure divine intolerance

Of that assault of ether and of fire;

It murmurs at its sorrowless happiness,

Almost with hate repels the light it brings;

It trembles at its naked power of Truth

And the might and sweetness of its absolute Voice.


Savitri’s Inner Conflict

Calm was her face and courage kept her mute.

Yet only her outward self suffered and strove;

Even her humanity was half divine:

Her spirit opened to the Spirit in all,

Her nature felt all Nature as its own.

Apart, living within, all lives she bore;

Aloof, she carried in herself the world....


The Day of Satyavan’s Death

The godheads from the dim Inconscient born

Awoke to struggle and the pang divine,

And in the shadow of her flaming heart,

At the sombre centre of the dire debate,

A guardian of the unconsoled abyss

Inheriting the long agony of the globe,

A stone-still figure of high and godlike Pain

Stared into Space with fixed regardless eyes

That saw grief’s timeless depths but not life’s goal.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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