Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 39


Canto 7

The Descent into Night

Life: Its Obverse and Reverse Faces

Life looked at him with changed and sombre eyes:

Her beauty he saw and the yearning heart in things

That with a little happiness is content,

Answering to a small ray of truth or love;

He saw her gold sunlight and her far blue sky,

Her green of leaves and hue and scent of flowers

And the charm of children and the love of friends

And the beauty of women and kindly hearts of men,

But saw too the dreadful Powers that drive her moods

And the anguish she has strewn upon her ways,

Fate waiting on the unseen steps of men

And her evil and sorrow and last gift of death.


The Abysm of Hell

As when one slips in a deep moment’s trance

Over mind’s border into another world,

He crossed a boundary whose stealthy trace

Eye could not see but only the soul feel.

Into an armoured fierce domain he came

And saw himself wandering like a lost soul

Amid grimed walls and savage slums of Night.

Around him crowded grey and squalid huts

Neighbouring proud palaces of perverted Power,

Inhuman quarters and demoniac wards.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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