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Canto 1

The World-Stair

The Ascending World Hierarchy

Tireless the heart’s adventure of delight,

Endless the kingdoms of the Spirit’s bliss,

Unnumbered tones struck from one harmony’s strings;

Each to its wide-winged universal poise,

Its fathomless feeling of the All in one,

Brought notes of some perfection yet unseen,

Its single retreat into Truth’s secrecies,

Its happy sidelight on the Infinite.

All was found there the Unique has dreamed and made

Tinging with ceaseless rapture and surprise

And an opulent beauty of passionate difference

The recurring beat that moments God in Time.

Only was missing the sole timeless Word

That carries eternity in its lonely sound,

The Idea self-luminous key to all ideas,

The integer of the Spirit’s perfect sum

That equates the unequal All to the equal One,

The single sign interpreting every sign,

The absolute index to the Absolute.


Ladder Towards Deity

If earth were all and this were not in her,

Thought could not be nor life-delight’s response:

Only material forms could then be her guests

Driven by an inanimate world-force.

Earth by this golden superfluity

Bore thinking man and more than man shall bear;

This higher scheme of being is our cause

And holds the key to our ascending fate;

It calls out of our dense mortality

The conscious spirit nursed in Matter’s house.

The living symbol of these conscious planes,

Its influences and godheads of the unseen,

Its unthought logic of Reality’s acts

Arisen from the unspoken truth in things,

Have fixed our inner life’s slow-scaled degrees.

Its steps are paces of the soul’s return

From the deep adventure of material birth,

A ladder of delivering ascent

And rungs that Nature climbs to deity.

Once in the vigil of a deathless gaze

These grades had marked her giant downward plunge,

The wide and prone leap of a godhead’s fall.

Our life is a holocaust of the Supreme.

The great World-Mother by her sacrifice

Has made her soul the body of our state;

Accepting sorrow and unconsciousness

Divinity’s lapse from its own splendours wove

The many-patterned ground of all we are.


The Mystery’s Process

A Mystery’s process is the universe.

At first was laid a strange anomalous base,

A void, a cipher of some secret Whole,

Where zero held infinity in its sum

And All and Nothing were a single term,

An eternal negative, a matrix Nought:


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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