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Canto 4

The Secret Knowledge

Our Forgotten Vastnesses

On a height he stood that looked towards greater heights.

Our early approaches to the Infinite

Are sunrise splendours on a marvellous verge

While lingers yet unseen the glorious sun.

What now we see is a shadow of what must come.

The earth’s uplook to a remote Unknown

Is a preface only of the epic climb

Of human soul from its flat earthly state

To the discovery of a greater self

And the far gleam of an eternal Light.

This world is a beginning and a base

Where Life and Mind erect their structured dreams;

An unborn Power must build reality.

A deathbound littleness is not all we are:

Immortal our forgotten vastnesses

Await discovery in our summit selves;

Unmeasured breadths and depths of being are ours.


In Great Lonely Hours

A shapeless memory lingers in us still

And sometimes, when our sight is turned within,

Earth’s ignorant veil is lifted from our eyes;

There is a short miraculous escape.

This narrow fringe of clamped experience

We leave behind meted to us as life,

Our little walks, our insufficient reach.

Our souls can visit in great lonely hours

Still regions of imperishable Light,

All-seeing eagle-peaks of silent Power

And moon-flame oceans of swift fathomless Bliss

And calm immensities of spirit space.

In the unfolding process of the Self

Sometimes the inexpressible Mystery

Elects a human vessel of descent.

A breath comes down from a supernal air,

A Presence is born, a guiding Light awakes,

A stillness falls upon the instruments:

Fixed, motionless like a marble monument,

Stone-calm, the body is a pedestal

Supporting a figure of eternal Peace.

Or a revealing Force sweeps blazing in;

Out of some vast superior continent

Knowledge breaks through trailing its radiant seas,

And Nature trembles with the power, the flame.

A greater Personality sometimes

Possesses us which yet we know is ours:

Or we adore the Master of our souls.

Then the small bodily ego thins and falls;

No more insisting on its separate self,

Losing the punctilio of its separate birth,

It leaves us one with Nature and with God.


The Labour of the Earth Goddess

Along a path of aeons serpentine

In the coiled blackness of her nescient course

The Earth-Goddess toils across the sands of Time.

A Being is in her whom she hopes to know,

A Word speaks to her heart she cannot hear,

A Fate compels whose form she cannot see.

In her unconscious orbit through the Void

Out of her mindless depths she strives to rise,

A perilous life her gain, a struggling joy;

A Thought that can conceive but hardly knows

Arises slowly in her and creates

The idea, the speech that labels more than it lights;

A trembling gladness that is less than bliss

Invades from all this beauty that must die.

Alarmed by the sorrow dragging at her feet


The Immortals Vision

Only the Immortals on their deathless heights

Dwelling beyond the walls of Time and Space,

Masters of living, free from the bonds of Thought,

Who are overseers of Fate and Chance and Will

And experts of the theorem of world-need,

Can see the Idea, the Might that change Time’s course,

Come maned with light from undiscovered worlds,

Hear, while the world toils on with its deep blind heart,

The galloping hooves of the unforeseen event,

Bearing the superhuman Rider, near

And, impassive to earth’s din and startled cry,

Return to the silence of the hills of God;

As lightning leaps, as thunder sweeps, they pass

And leave their mark on the trampled breast of Life.


Time’s Fulfilment

Night shall awake to the anthem of the stars,

The days become a happy pilgrim march,

Our will a force of the Eternal’s power,

And thought the rays of a spiritual sun.

A few shall see what none yet understands;

God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep;

For man shall not know the coming till its hour

And belief shall be not till the work is done.


The Certitude of our Divine Destiny

Even through the tangled anarchy called Fate

And through the bitterness of death and fall

An outstretched Hand is felt upon our lives.

It is near us in unnumbered bodies and births;

In its unslackening grasp it keeps for us safe

The one inevitable supreme result

No will can take away and no doom change,

The crown of conscious Immortality,

The godhead promised to our struggling souls

When first man’s heart dared death and suffered life.

One who has shaped this world is ever its lord:

Our errors are his steps upon the way;

He works through the fierce vicissitudes of our lives,

He works through the hard breath of battle and toil,

He works through our sins and sorrows and our tears,

His knowledge overrules our nescience;

Whatever the appearance we must bear,

Whatever our strong ills and present fate,

When nothing we can see but drift and bale,

A mighty Guidance leads us still through all.


Dream Truth

The universe is an endless masquerade:

For nothing here is utterly what it seems;

It is a dream-fact vision of a truth

Which but for the dream would not be wholly true,

A phenomenon stands out significant

Against dim backgrounds of eternity;

We accept its face and pass by all it means;

A part is seen, we take it for the whole.


He and She

He moves there as the Soul, as Nature she....

Although possessor of the earth and heavens,

He leaves to her the cosmic management

And watches all, the Witness of her scene.

A supernumerary on her stage,

He speaks no words or hides behind the wings.

He takes birth in her world, waits on her will,

Divines her enigmatic gesture’s sense,

The fluctuating chance turns of her mood,

Works out her meanings she seems not to know

And serves her secret purpose in long Time.


The Self-Determining Absolute

All-knowing he accepts our darkened state,

Divine, wears shapes of animal or man;

Eternal, he assents to Fate and Time,

Immortal, dallies with mortality.

The All-Conscious ventured into Ignorance,

The All-Blissful bore to be insensible.

Incarnate in a world of strife and pain,

He puts on joy and sorrow like a robe

And drinks experience like a strengthening wine.

He whose transcendence rules the pregnant Vasts,

Prescient now dwells in our subliminal depths,

A luminous individual Power, alone.

The Absolute, the Perfect, the Alone

Has called out of the Silence his mute Force


A Nameless Resident

In a body obscuring the immortal Spirit

A nameless Resident vesting unseen powers

With Matter’s shapes and motives beyond thought

And the hazard of an unguessed consequence,

An omnipotent indiscernible Influence,

He sits, unfelt by the form in which he lives

And veils his knowledge by the groping mind.

A wanderer in a world his thoughts have made,

He turns in a chiaroscuro of error and truth

To find a wisdom that on high is his.

As one forgetting he searches for himself;

As if he had lost an inner light he seeks:

As a sojourner lingering amid alien scenes


The Voyager Soul

This is the sailor on the flow of Time,

This is World-Matter’s slow discoverer,

Who, launched into this small corporeal birth,

Has learned his craft in tiny bays of self,

But dares at last unplumbed infinitudes,

A voyager upon eternity’s seas.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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