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Canto 5

The Yoga of the King: The Yoga of the Spirit’s Freedom and Greatness

The Eternal’s Promise

Once more was heard in the still cosmic Mind

The Eternal’s promise to his labouring Force

Inducing the world-passion to begin,

The cry of birth into mortality

And the opening verse of the tragedy of Time.

Out of the depths the world’s buried secret rose;

He read the original ukase kept back

In the locked archives of the spirit’s crypt,

And saw the signature and fiery seal

Of Wisdom on the dim Power’s hooded work

Who builds in Ignorance the steps of Light.


The Tessellated Whole

Only beginnings are accomplished here;

Our base’s Matter seems alone complete,

An absolute machine without a soul.

Or all seems a misfit of half ideas,

Or we saddle with the vice of earthly form

A hurried imperfect glimpse of heavenly things,

Guesses and travesties of celestial types.

Here chaos sorts itself into a world,

A brief formation drifting in the void:

Apings of knowledge, unfinished arcs of power,

Flamings of beauty into earthly shapes,


Towards the Eternal

Impassive he lived immune from earthly hopes,

A figure in the ineffable Witness’ shrine

Pacing the vast cathedral of his thoughts

Under its arches dim with infinity

And heavenward brooding of invisible wings.

A call was on him from intangible heights;

Indifferent to the little outpost Mind,

He dwelt in the wideness of the Eternal’s reign.

His being now exceeded thinkable Space,

His boundless thought was neighbour to cosmic sight:

A universal light was in his eyes,

A golden influx flowed through heart and brain;

A Force came down into his mortal limbs,

A current from eternal seas of Bliss;

He felt the invasion and the nameless joy.


The Transforming Descent

In a divine retreat from mortal thought,

In a prodigious gesture of soul-sight,

His being towered into pathless heights,

Naked of its vesture of humanity.

As thus it rose, to meet him bare and pure

A strong Descent leaped down. A Might, a Flame,

A Beauty half-visible with deathless eyes,

A violent Ecstasy, a Sweetness dire,

Enveloped him with its stupendous limbs

And penetrated nerve and heart and brain

That thrilled and fainted with the epiphany:


Mind – A Mediator Divinity

Mind is a mediator divinity:

Its powers can undo all Nature’s work:

Mind can suspend or change earth’s concrete law.

Affranchised from earth-habit’s drowsy seal

The leaden grip of Matter it can break;

Indifferent to the angry stare of Death,

It can immortalise a moment’s work:

A simple fiat of its thinking force,

The casual pressure of its slight assent

Can liberate the Energy dumb and pent

Within its chambers of mysterious trance:

It makes the body’s sleep a puissant arm,

Holds still the breath, the beatings of the heart,

While the unseen is found, the impossible done,

Communicates without means the unspoken thought;

It moves events by its bare silent will,

Acts at a distance without hands or feet.

This giant Ignorance, this dwarfish Life

It can illumine with a prophet sight,


The Hierarchy of Worlds

Life in him learned its huge subconscient rear;

The little fronts unlocked to the unseen Vasts:

Her gulfs stood nude, her far transcendences

Flamed in transparencies of crowded light.

A giant order was discovered here

Of which the tassel and extended fringe

Are the scant stuff of our material lives....

Ascending and descending twixt life’s poles

The seried kingdoms of the graded Law

Plunged from the Everlasting into Time,

Then glad of a glory of multitudinous mind

And rich with life’s adventure and delight

And packed with the beauty of Matter’s shapes and hues

Climbed back from Time into undying Self,

Up a golden ladder carrying the soul,

Tying with diamond threads the Spirit’s extremes.

In this drop from consciousness to consciousness

Each leaned on the occult Inconscient’s power,

The fountain of its needed Ignorance,

Archmason of the limits by which it lives.

In this soar from consciousness to consciousness

Each lifted tops to That from which it came,

Origin of all that it had ever been

And home of all that it could still become.

An organ scale of the Eternal’s acts,

Mounting to their climax in an endless Calm,

Paces of the many-visaged Wonderful,

Predestined stadia of the evolving Way,

Measures of the stature of the growing soul,

They interpreted existence to itself

And, mediating twixt the heights and deeps,

United the veiled married opposites

And linked creation to the Ineffable.

A last high world was seen where all worlds meet;

In its summit gleam where Night is not nor Sleep,

The light began of the Trinity supreme.

All there discovered what it seeks for here....

Above were the Immortal’s changeless seats,

White chambers of dalliance with eternity

And the stupendous gates of the Alone.

Across the unfolding of the seas of self


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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