Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 46


Canto 14

The World-Soul

Entry into the World-Soul

A covert answer to his seeking came.

In a far shimmering background of Mind-Space

A glowing mouth was seen, a luminous shaft;

A recluse gate it seemed, musing on joy,

A veiled retreat and escape to mystery.

Away from the unsatisfied surface world

It fled into the bosom of the unknown,

A well, a tunnel of the depths of God.

It plunged as if a mystic groove of hope

Through many layers of formless voiceless self

To reach the last profound of the world’s heart,

And from that heart there surged a wordless call

Pleading with some still impenetrable Mind,

Voicing some passionate unseen desire.


The Interval Between Birth and Birth

Immersed in voiceless internatal trance

The beings that once wore forms on earth sat there

In shining chambers of spiritual sleep.

Passed were the pillar-posts of birth and death,

Passed was their little scene of symbol deeds,

Passed were the heavens and hells of their long road;

They had returned into the world’s deep soul.

All now was gathered into pregnant rest:

Person and nature suffered a slumber change.

In trance they gathered back their bygone selves,

In a background memory’s foreseeing muse

Prophetic of new personality

Arranged the map of their coming destiny’s course:

Heirs of their past, their future’s discoverers,

Electors of their own self-chosen lot,

They waited for the adventure of new life.

A Person persistent through the lapse of worlds,


The Supreme Power

There he beheld in their mighty union’s poise

The figure of the deathless Two-in-One,

A single being in two bodies clasped,

A diarchy of two united souls,

Seated absorbed in deep creative joy;

Their trance of bliss sustained the mobile world.

Behind them in a morning dusk One stood

Who brought them forth from the Unknowable.

Ever disguised she awaits the seeking spirit;

Watcher on the supreme unreachable peaks,

Guide of the traveller of the unseen paths,

She guards the austere approach to the Alone.

At the beginning of each far-spread plane

Pervading with her power the cosmic suns

She reigns, inspirer of its multiple works

And thinker of the symbol of its scene.

Above them all she stands supporting all,


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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