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Canto 2

The Way of Fate and the Problem of Pain

World Pain and Its Necessity

Where Ignorance is, there suffering too must come;

Thy grief is a cry of darkness to the Light;

Pain was the first-born of the Inconscience

Which was thy body’s dumb original base;

Already slept there pain’s subconscient shape:

A shadow in a shadowy tenebrous womb,

Till life shall move, it waits to wake and be.

In one caul with joy came forth the dreadful Power.

In life’s breast it was born hiding its twin;

But pain came first, then only joy could be.

Pain ploughed the first hard ground of the world-drowse.


End of the Law of Pain

Then shall be ended here the Law of Pain.

Earth shall be made a home of Heaven’s light,

A seer heaven-born shall lodge in human breasts;

The superconscient beam shall touch men’s eyes

And the truth-conscious world come down to earth

Invading Matter with the Spirit’s ray,

Awaking its silence to immortal thoughts,

Awaking the dumb heart to the living Word.

This mortal life shall house Eternity’s bliss,

The body’s self taste immortality.

Then shall the world-redeemer’s task be done....

O mortal, bear this great world’s law of pain,

In thy hard passage through a suffering world

Lean for thy soul’s support on Heaven’s strength,

Turn towards high Truth, aspire to love and peace....


Origin of Death and Fate

“O mortal who complainst of death and fate,

Accuse none of the harms thyself hast called;

This troubled world thou hast chosen for thy home,

Thou art thyself the author of thy pain.

Once in the immortal boundlessness of Self,

In a vast of Truth and Consciousness and Light

The soul looked out from its felicity.

It felt the Spirit’s interminable bliss,

It knew itself deathless, timeless, spaceless, one,

It saw the Eternal, lived in the Infinite.

Then, curious of a shadow thrown by Truth,

It strained towards some otherness of self,

It was drawn to an unknown Face peering through night.


The Working of Providence

“O Aswapati, random seem the ways

Along whose banks your footsteps stray or run

In casual hours or moments of the gods,

Yet your least stumblings are foreseen above.

Infallibly the curves of life are drawn

Following the stream of Time through the unknown;

They are led by a clue the calm immortals keep.”


Narad on Death as the Spirit’s Opportunity

“In vain thou mournst that Satyavan must die;

His death is a beginning of greater life,

Death is the spirit’s opportunity.

A vast intention has brought two souls close

And love and death conspire towards one great end.

For out of danger and pain heaven-bliss shall come,

Time’s unforeseen event, God’s secret plan.


The Heroic Strength

As a star, uncompanioned, moves in heaven

Unastonished by the immensities of Space,

Travelling infinity by its own light,

The great are strongest when they stand alone.

A God-given might of being is their force,

A ray from self’s solitude of light the guide;

The soul that can live alone with itself meets God.


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All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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