Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 60


Canto 2


The Meeting

Her vision settled, caught and all was changed.

Her mind at first dwelt in ideal dreams,

Those intimate transmuters of earth’s signs

That make known things a hint of unseen spheres....

All in a moment was surprised and seized....

Thoughts indistinct and glad in moon-mist heavens,

Feelings as when a universe takes birth,

Swept through the turmoil of her bosom’s space

Invaded by a swarm of golden gods....


The Significance of the Meeting

His self-bound nature foundered as in fire;

His life was taken into another’s life.

The splendid lonely idols of his brain

Fell prostrate from their bright sufficiencies,

As at the touch of a new infinite,

To worship a godhead greater than their own.

An unknown imperious force drew him to her.

Marvelling he came across the golden sward:

Gaze met close gaze and clung in sight’s embrace.

A visage was there, noble and great and calm,

As if encircled by a halo of thought,

A span, an arch of meditating light,

As though some secret nimbus half was seen;


The Truth of Love

On the dumb bosom of this oblivious globe

Although as unknown beings we seem to meet,

Our lives are not aliens nor as strangers join,

Moved to each other by a causeless force.

The soul can recognise its answering soul

Across dividing Time and, on life’s roads

Absorbed wrapped traveller, turning it recovers

Familiar splendours in an unknown face

And touched by the warning finger of swift love

It thrills again to an immortal joy

Wearing a mortal body for delight.


Fitness to Receive Love

Rare is the cup fit for love’s nectar wine,

As rare the vessel that can hold God’s birth;

A soul made ready through a thousand years

Is the living mould of a supreme Descent.


Affinity Revealed

The mist was torn that lay between two lives;

Her heart unveiled and his to find her turned;

Attracted as in heaven star by star,

They wondered at each other and rejoiced

And wove affinity in a silent gaze.

A moment passed that was eternity’s ray,

An hour began, the matrix of new Time.


* * *

All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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