Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 55


Canto 2

The Growth of the Flame

The Truth of Ethics and Philosophy

Ethics the human keyed to imitate heaven;

The harmony of a rich culture’s tones

Refined the sense and magnified its reach

To hear the unheard and glimpse the invisible

And taught the soul to soar beyond things known,

Inspiring life to greaten and break its bounds,

Aspiring to the Immortals’ unseen world.

Leaving earth’s safety daring wings of Mind

Bore her above the trodden fields of thought

Crossing the mystic seas of the Beyond

To live on eagle heights near to the Sun.

There Wisdom sits on her eternal throne.


The Divine Word

Invested with a rhythm of higher spheres

The word was used as a hieratic means

For the release of the imprisoned spirit

Into communion with its comrade gods.

Or it helped to beat out new expressive forms

Of that which labours in the heart of life,

Some immemorial Soul in men and things,

Seeker of the unknown and the unborn

Carrying a light from the Ineffable

To rend the veil of the last mysteries.


Towards Love’s Universality

Aware of the universal Self in all

She turned to living hearts and human forms,

Her soul’s reflections, complements, counterparts,

The close outlying portions of her being

Divided from her by walls of body and mind

Yet to her spirit bound by ties divine.

Overcoming invisible hedge and masked defence

And the loneliness that separates soul from soul,

She wished to make all one immense embrace

That she might house in it all living things

Raised into a splendid point of seeing light

Out of division’s dense inconscient cleft,

And make them one with God and world and her.


* * *

All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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