Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 57


Canto 4

The Quest

Savitri’s Memory-Waking Quest

The world-ways opened before Savitri.

At first a strangeness of new brilliant scenes

Peopled her mind and kept her body’s gaze.

But as she moved across the changing earth

A deeper consciousness welled up in her:

A citizen of many scenes and climes,

Each soil and country it had made its home;

It took all clans and peoples for her own,

Till the whole destiny of mankind was hers.

These unfamiliar spaces on her way

Were known and neighbours to a sense within,

Landscapes recurred like lost forgotten fields,

Cities and rivers and plains her vision claimed

Like slow-recurring memories in front,

The stars at night were her past’s brilliant friends,

The winds murmured to her of ancient things

And she met nameless comrades loved by her once.

All was a part of old forgotten selves.


Divine Providence

Nothing we think or do is void or vain;

Each is an energy loosed and holds its course.

The shadowy keepers of our deathless past

Have made our fate the child of our own acts,

And from the furrows laboured by our will


Yogis and Nature

The strife was over, the respite lay in front.

Happy they lived with birds and beasts and flowers

And sunlight and the rustle of the leaves,

And heard the wild winds wandering in the night,

Mused with the stars in their mute constant ranks,

And lodged in the mornings as in azure tents,


The Fateful Search

On dreaming plains, an indolent expanse,

The death-bed of a pale enchanted eve

Under the glamour of a sunken sky,

Impassive she lay as at an age’s end,

Or crossed an eager pack of huddled hills

Lifting their heads to hunt a lairlike sky,

Or travelled in a strange and empty land

Where desolate summits camped in a weird heaven,

Mute sentinels beneath a drifting moon,

Or wandered in some lone tremendous wood

Ringing for ever with the crickets’ cry

Or followed a long glistening serpent road

Through fields and pastures lapped in moveless light

Or reached the wild beauty of a desert space

Where never plough was driven nor herd had grazed

And slumbered upon stripped and thirsty sands

Amid the savage wild-beast night’s appeal.

Still unaccomplished was the fateful quest;


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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