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Canto 6

Nirvana and the Discovery of the All-Negating Absolute

Autumnal Mellowness

A calm slow sun looked down from tranquil heavens.

A routed sullen rearguard of retreat,

The last rains had fled murmuring across the woods

Or failed, a sibilant whisper mid the leaves,

And the great blue enchantment of the sky

Recovered the deep rapture of its smile.

Its mellow splendour unstressed by storm-licked heats

Found room for a luxury of warm mild days,

The night’s gold treasure of autumnal moons

Came floating shipped through ripples of faery air.


An Upsurge of the Inconscient

An abyss yawned suddenly beneath her heart.

A vast and nameless fear dragged at her nerves

As drags a wild beast its half-slaughtered prey;

It seemed to have no den from which it sprang:

It was not hers, but hid its unseen cause.

Then rushing came its vast and fearful Fount.

A formless Dread with shapeless endless wings

Filling the universe with its dangerous breath,

A denser darkness than the Night could bear,

Enveloped the heavens and possessed the earth.

A rolling surge of silent death, it came

Curving round the far edge of the quaking globe;

Effacing heaven with its enormous stride

It willed to expunge the choked and anguished air

And end the fable of the joy of life.


The Saviour’s Labour

“Thou hast come down into a struggling world

To aid a blind and suffering mortal race,

To open to Light the eyes that could not see,

To bring down bliss into the heart of grief,

To make thy life a bridge twixt earth and heaven;

If thou wouldst save the toiling universe,

The vast universal suffering feel as thine:

Thou must bear the sorrow that thou claimst to heal;

The day-bringer must walk in darkest night.

He who would save the world must share its pain.

If he knows not grief, how shall he find grief’s cure?

If far he walks above mortality’s head,

How shall the mortal reach that too high path?



Aloof and standing back detached and calm,

A witness of the drama of herself,

A student of her own interior scene,

She watched the passion and the toil of life

And heard in the crowded thoroughfares of mind

The unceasing tread and passage of her thoughts.


Mystic Visitations

Oft from her soul stepped out a naked thought

Luminous with mysteried lips and wonderful eyes;

Or from her heart emerged some burning face

And looked for life and love and passionate truth,

Aspired to heaven or embraced the world

Or led the fancy like a fleeting moon

Across the dull sky of man’s common days,

Amidst the doubtful certitudes of earth’s lore,

To the celestial beauty of faith gave form,

As if at flower-prints in a dingy room

Laughed in a golden vase one living rose.


The Mystery of the Genius

The genius too receives from some high fount

Concealed in a supernal secrecy

The work that gives him an immortal name.

The word, the form, the charm, the glory and grace

Are missioned sparks from a stupendous Fire;

A sample from the laboratory of God

Of which he holds the patent upon earth,

Comes to him wrapped in golden coverings;

He listens for Inspiration’s postman knock

And takes delivery of the priceless gift

A little spoilt by the receiver mind

Or mixed with the manufacture of his brain;

When least defaced, then is it most divine.


The Stilling of Thought

Then all grew tranquil in her being’s space,

Only sometimes small thoughts arose and fell

Like quiet waves upon a silent sea

Or ripples passing over a lonely pool

When a stray stone disturbs its dreaming rest.

Yet the mind’s factory had ceased to work,

There was no sound of the dynamo’s throb,

There came no call from the still fields of life.

Then even those stirrings rose in her no more;

Her mind now seemed like a vast empty room

Or like a peaceful landscape without sound.

This men call quietude and prize as peace.



In that absolute stillness bare and formidable

There was glimpsed an all-negating Void Supreme

That claimed its mystic Nihil’s sovereign right

To cancel Nature and deny the soul.

Even the nude sense of self grew pale and thin:

Impersonal, signless, featureless, void of forms

A blank pure consciousness had replaced the mind....

Nothing within answered an outside touch,

No nerve was stirred and no reaction rose.

Yet still her body saw and moved and spoke;

It understood without the aid of thought,

It said whatever needed to be said,

It did whatever needed to be done.

There was no person there behind the act,

No mind that chose or passed the fitting word:

All wrought like an unerring apt machine....


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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