Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 77


Canto 2

The Journey in Eternal Night and the Voice of the Darkness

Night Threatened by Light

At first a faint inextinguishable gleam,

Pale but immortal, flickered in the gloom

As if a memory came to spirits dead,

A memory that wished to live again,

Dissolved from mind in Nature’s natal sleep.

It wandered like a lost ray of the moon

Revealing to the night her soul of dread;

Serpentine in the gleam the darkness lolled,

Its black hoods jewelled with the mystic glow;

Its dull sleek folds shrank back and coiled and slid,

As though they felt all light a cruel pain

And suffered from the pale approach of hope.

Night felt assailed her heavy sombre reign;

The splendour of some bright eternity

Threatened with this faint beam of wandering Truth

Her empire of the everlasting Nought.


Savitri’s Challenge to Death

As ceased the ruthless and tremendous Voice,

Unendingly there rose in Savitri,

Like moonlit ridges on a shuddering flood,

A stir of thoughts out of some silence born

Across the sea of her dumb fathomless heart.

At last she spoke; her voice was heard by Night:

“I bow not to thee, O huge mask of death,

Black lie of night to the cowed soul of man,

Unreal, inescapable end of things,

Thou grim jest played with the immortal spirit.

Conscious of immortality I walk....

My first strong grief moves not my seated mind;

My unwept tears have turned to pearls of strength:

I have transformed my ill-shaped brittle clay

Into the hardness of a statued soul.

Now in the wrestling of the splendid gods

My spirit shall be obstinate and strong

Against the vast refusal of the world.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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