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Canto 1

The Eternal Day: The Soul’s Choice and the Supreme Consummation

God’s Everlasting Day

A marvellous sun looked down from ecstasy’s skies

On worlds of deathless bliss, perfection’s home,

Magical unfoldings of the Eternal’s smile

Capturing his secret heart-beats of delight.

God’s everlasting day surrounded her,

Domains appeared of sempiternal light

Invading all Nature with the Absolute’s joy.

Her body quivered with eternity’s touch,

Her soul stood close to the founts of the infinite.

Infinity’s finite fronts she lived in, new

For ever to an everliving sight....

Twilight and mist were exiles from that air,

Night was impossible to such radiant heavens....

A chanting crowd from mountain bosoms slipped

Past branches fragrant with a sigh of flowers

Hurrying through sweetnesses with revel leaps;

The murmurous rivers of felicity

Divinely rippled honey-voiced desires,

Mingling their sister eddies of delight,

Then, widening to a pace of calm-lipped muse,

Down many-glimmered estuaries of dream

Went whispering into lakes of liquid peace.


The Delights of the Purified Heart

Immortal harmonies filled her listening ear;

A great spontaneous utterance of the heights

On Titan wings of rhythmic grandeur borne

Poured from some deep spiritual heart of sound,

Strains trembling with the secrets of the gods....

A climber on the invisible stair of sound,

Music not with these few and striving steps

Aspired that wander upon transient strings,

But changed its ever new uncounted notes

In a passion of unforeseeing discovery,

And kept its old unforgotten ecstasies

A growing treasure in the mystic heart....


The Dance Celestial

Great forms of deities sat in deathless tiers,

Eyes of an unborn gaze towards her leaned

Through a transparency of crystal fire.

In the beauty of bodies wrought from rapture’s lines,

Shapes of entrancing sweetness spilling bliss,

Feet glimmering upon the sunstone courts of mind,

Heaven’s cupbearers bore round the Eternal’s wine.


Spirit – An Upsoaring Bird

Air was a luminous feeling, sound a voice,

Sunlight the soul’s vision and moonlight its dream.

On a wide living base of wordless calm

All was a potent and a lucid joy.

Into those heights her spirit went floating up

Like an upsoaring bird who mounts unseen

Voicing to the ascent his throbbing heart

Of melody till a pause of closing wings

Comes quivering in his last contented cry

And he is silent with his soul discharged,

Delivered of his heart’s burden of delight.

Experience mounted on joy’s coloured breast

To inaccessible spheres in spiral flight.

There Time dwelt with eternity as one;

Immense felicity joined rapt repose.


Revelation of the Supreme Divine

All grace and glory and all divinity

Were here collected in a single form;

All worshipped eyes looked through his from one face;

He bore all godheads in his grandiose limbs.


The Divine’s Promise

“I am the hushed search of the jealous gods

Pursuing my wisdom’s vast mysterious work

Seized in the thousand meeting ways of heaven.

I am the beauty of the unveiled ray

Drawing through the deep roads of the infinite night

The unconquerable pilgrim soul of earth

Beneath the flaring torches of the stars.

I am the inviolable Ecstasy;

They who have looked on me, shall grieve no more.

The eyes that live in night shall see my form.


Savitri’s Universal Love

Earth is the chosen place of mightiest souls;

Earth is the heroic spirit’s battlefield,

The forge where the Archmason shapes his works.

Thy servitudes on earth are greater, King,

Than all the glorious liberties of heaven.

The heavens were once to me my natural home,

I too have wandered in star-jewelled groves,

Paced sun-gold pastures and moon-silver swards

And heard the harping laughter of their streams

And lingered under branches dropping myrrh;

I too have revelled in the fields of light

Touched by the ethereal raiment of the winds,

Thy wonder-rounds of music I have trod,

Lived in the rhyme of bright unlabouring thoughts,

I have beat swift harmonies of rapture vast,

Danced in spontaneous measures of the soul

The great and easy dances of the gods.


Savitri’s Supplication

“Let not the inconscient gulf swallow man’s race

That through earth’s ignorance struggles towards thy Light.

O Thunderer with the lightnings of the soul,

Give not to darkness and to death thy sun,

Achieve thy wisdom’s hidden firm decree

And the mandate of thy secret world-wide love.”


Ordinary Humanity

Few are the silences in which Truth is heard,

Unveiling the timeless utterance in her deeps;

Few are the splendid moments of the seers.

Heaven’s call is rare, rarer the heart that heeds;

The doors of light are sealed to common mind

And earth’s needs nail to earth the human mass,

Only in an uplifting hour of stress

Men answer to the touch of greater things:


Savitri and Satyavan – Their Appointed Work

But Savitri answered to the radiant God:

“In vain thou temptst with solitary bliss

Two spirits saved out of a suffering world;

My soul and his indissolubly linked

In the one task for which our lives were born,

To raise the world to God in deathless Light,

To bring God down to the world on earth we came,

To change the earthly life to life divine....


Savitri and the Supreme Lord

Around her some tremendous spirit lived,

Mysterious flame around a melting pearl,

And in the phantom of abolished Space

There was a voice unheard by ears that cried:

“Choose, spirit, thy supreme choice not given again;

For now from my highest being looks at thee

The nameless formless peace where all things rest.


The Supreme Lord to Savitri

“O beautiful body of the incarnate Word,

Thy thoughts are mine, I have spoken with thy voice.

My will is thine, what thou hast chosen I choose:

All thou hast asked I give to earth and men.

All shall be written out in destiny’s book

By my trustee of thought and plan and act,

The executor of my will, eternal Time.

But since thou hast refused my maimless Calm

And turned from my termless peace in which is expunged

The visage of Space and the shape of Time is lost,

And from happy extinction of thy separate self

In my uncompanioned lone eternity, –

For not for thee the nameless worldless Nought,

Annihilation of thy living soul

And the end of thought and hope and life and love

In the blank measureless Unknowable, –

I lay my hands upon thy soul of flame,

I lay my hands upon thy heart of love,

I yoke thee to my power of work in Time.


The Things to Come

This universe shall unseal its occult sense,

Creation’s process change its antique front,

An ignorant evolution’s hierarchy

Release the Wisdom chained below its base.

The Spirit shall be the master of his world

Lurking no more in form’s obscurity

And Nature shall reverse her action’s rule,

The outward world disclose the Truth it veils;

All things shall manifest the covert God,

All shall reveal the Spirit’s light and might

And move to its destiny of felicity.

Even should a hostile force cling to its reign

And claim its right’s perpetual sovereignty

And man refuse his high spiritual fate,

Yet shall the secret Truth in things prevail.


The Descent to Earth

Down with a hurried swimming floating lapse

Through unseen worlds and bottomless spaces forced

Sank like a star the soul of Savitri.

Amidst a laughter of unearthly lyres

She heard around her nameless voices cry

Triumphing, an innumerable sound.

A choir of rushing winds to meet her came.

She bore the burden of infinity

And felt the stir of all ethereal space.

Pursuing her in her fall, implacably sweet,

A face was over her which seemed a youth’s,

Symbol of all the beauty eyes see not,

Crowned as with peacock plumes of gorgeous hue

Framing a sapphire, whose heart-disturbing smile

Insatiably attracted to delight,

Voluptuous to the embraces of her soul.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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