Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Savitri - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 76


Canto 1

Towards the Black Void

A New Birth of Consciousness

Then suddenly there came on her the change

Which in tremendous moments of our lives

Can overtake sometimes the human soul

And hold it up towards its luminous source.

The veil is torn, the thinker is no more:

Only the spirit sees and all is known.

Then a calm Power seated above our brows

Is seen, unshaken by our thoughts and deeds,

Its stillness bears the voices of the world:

Immobile, it moves Nature, looks on life.

It shapes immutably its far-seen ends;

Untouched and tranquil amid error and tears

And measureless above our striving wills,

Its gaze controls the turbulent whirl of things.


Savitri’s Spiritual Stature

All in her mated with that mighty hour,

As if the last remnant had been slain by Death

Of the humanity that once was hers.

Assuming a spiritual wide control,

Making life’s sea a mirror of heaven’s sky,

The young divinity in her earthly limbs

Filled with celestial strength her mortal part.

Over was the haunted pain, the rending fear:

Her grief had passed away, her mind was still,

Her heart beat quietly with a sovereign force.

There came a freedom from the heart-strings’ clutch,

Now all her acts sprang from a godhead’s calm.


The God of Death

In its appalling eyes the tenebrous Form

Bore the deep pity of destroying gods;

A sorrowful irony curved the dreadful lips

That speak the word of doom. Eternal Night

In the dire beauty of an immortal face

Pitying arose, receiving all that lives

For ever into its fathomless heart, refuge


Savitri in the Forest

Around her on the green and imaged earth

The flickering screen of forests ringed her steps;

Its thick luxurious obstacle of boughs

Besieged her body pressing dimly through

In a rich realm of whispers palpable,

And all the murmurous beauty of the leaves

Rippled around her like an emerald robe.


Savitri Pursues Death in the Occult Planes

Herself lived far in some uplifted scene

Where to the trance-claimed vision of pursuit,

Sole presences in a high spaceless dream,

The luminous spirit glided stilly on

And the great shadow travelled vague behind.

Still with an amorous crowd of seeking hands

Softly entreated by their old desires

Her senses felt earth’s close and gentle air

Cling round them and in troubled branches knew

Uncertain treadings of a faint-foot wind:

She bore dim fragrances, far callings touched;


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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