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Canto 4

The Dream Twilight of the Earthly Real

Savitri, God and the World

“If in the meaningless Void creation rose,

If from a bodiless Force Matter was born,

If Life could climb in the unconscious tree,

Its green delight break into emerald leaves

And its laughter of beauty blossom in the flower,

If sense could wake in tissue, nerve and cell

And Thought seize the grey matter of the brain,

And soul peep from its secrecy through the flesh,

How shall the nameless Light not leap on men,

And unknown powers emerge from Nature’s sleep?

Even now hints of a luminous Truth like stars

Arise in the mind-mooned splendour of Ignorance;


Beyond Law

Vain the soul’s hope if changeless Law is all:

Ever to the new and the unknown press on

The speeding aeons justifying God.

What were earth’s ages if the grey restraint

Were never broken and glories sprang not forth

Bursting their obscure seed, while man’s slow life

Leaped hurried into sudden splendid paths

By divine words and human gods revealed?


Most Bound Most Free

She answered, “Straight I trample on the road

The strong hand hewed for me which planned our paths.

I run where his sweet dreadful voice commands

And I am driven by the reins of God.

Why drew he wide his scheme of mighty worlds

Or filled infinity with his passionate breath?


The Overhead Planes

On summit Mind are radiant altitudes

Exposed to the lustre of Infinity,

Outskirts and dependencies of the house of Truth,

Upraised estates of Mind and measureless.

There man can visit but there he cannot live.

A cosmic Thought spreads out its vastitudes;

Its smallest parts are here philosophies

Challenging with their detailed immensity,

Each figuring an omniscient scheme of things.

But higher still can climb the ascending light;

There are vasts of vision and eternal suns,

Oceans of an immortal luminousness,

Flame-hills assaulting heaven with their peaks,

There dwelling all becomes a blaze of sight;

A burning head of vision leads the mind,

Thought trails behind it its long comet tail;

The heart glows, an illuminate and seer,

And sense is kindled into identity.


Transformation – Its Phases

A mighty transformation came on her.

A halo of the indwelling Deity,

The Immortal’s lustre that had lit her face

And tented its radiance in her body’s house,

Overflowing made the air a luminous sea.

In a flaming moment of apocalypse

The Incarnation thrust aside its veil.

A little figure in infinity

Yet stood and seemed the Eternal’s very house,

As if the world’s centre was her very soul

And all wide space was but its outer robe.

A curve of the calm hauteur of far heaven

Descending into earth’s humility,

Her forehead’s span vaulted the Omniscient’s gaze,

Her eyes were two stars that watched the universe.

The Power that from her being’s summit reigned,

The Presence chambered in lotus secrecy,

Came down and held the centre in her brow

Where the mind’s Lord in his control-room sits;

There throned on concentration’s native seat

He opens that third mysterious eye in man,

The Unseen’s eye that looks at the unseen,

When Light with a golden ecstasy fills his brain

And the Eternal’s wisdom drives his choice

And eternal Will seizes the mortal’s will.


All Life Is Yoga: Savitri

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