Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 13

THE MOTHER The Great Secret of the Gita:
The Sacrifice to the Divine


“The law of sacrifice is the common divine action that was thrown out into the world in its beginning as a symbol of the solidarity of the universe. It is by the attraction of this law that a divinising, a saving power descends to limit and correct and gradually to eliminate the errors of an egoistic and self-divided creation. This descent, this sacrifice of the Purusha, the Divine Soul submitting itself to Force and Matter so that it may inform and illuminate them, is the seed of redemption of this world of Inconscience and Ignorance. For ‘with sacrifice as their companion,’ says the Gita, ‘the All-Father created these peoples.’ The acceptance of the law of sacrifice is a practical recognition by the ego that it is neither alone in the world nor chief in the world. It is its admission that, even in this much fragmented existence, there is beyond itself and behind that which is not its own egoistic person, something greater and completer, a diviner All which demands from it subordination and service.” (Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 98)

Sweet Mother, what does the “sacrifice to the Divine” mean?

It is self-giving. It is the word the Gita uses for self-giving....

All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita

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