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Chapter 4 The Yoga of Knowledge
Оглавление1. The Blessed Lord said:
This imperishable Yoga I gave to Vivasvan (the Sun-God), Vivasvan gave it to Manu (the father of men), Manu gave it to Ikshvaku (head of the Solar line).
2. And so it came down from royal sage to royal sage till it was lost in the great lapse of Time, O Parantapa.
3. This same ancient and original Yoga has been today declared to thee by Me, for thou art My devotee and My friend; this is the highest secret.
4. Arjuna said:
The Sun-God was one of the first-born of beings (ancestor of the Solar dynasty) and Thou art only now born into the world; how am I to comprehend that Thou declaredst it to him in the beginning?
5. The Blessed Lord said:
Many are My lives that are past, and thine also, O Arjuna; all of them I know, but thou knowest not, O scourge of the foe.
6. Though I am the Unborn, though I am imperishable in My self-existence, though I am the Lord of all existences, yet I stand upon My own Nature and I come into birth by My self-Maya.
7. Whensoever, O son of Bharata, there is the fading of the Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I loose Myself forth into birth.
8. For the deliverance of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the enthroning of the Right, I am born from age to age.
9. He who knoweth thus in its right principles My divine birth and My divine work, when he abandons his body, comes not to rebirth, he comes to Me, O Arjuna.
10. Delivered from liking and fear and wrath, full of Me, taking refuge in Me, many purified by austerity of knowledge have arrived at My nature of being (madbhavam, the divine nature of the Purushottama).