Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 22
Chapter 6 The Yoga of Contemplation
Оглавление1. The Blessed Lord said:
Whoever does the work to be done without resort to its fruits, he is the Sannyasin and the Yogin, not the man who lights not the sacrificial fire and does not the works.
2. What they have called renunciation (Sannyasa), know to be in truth Yoga, O Pandava; for none becomes a Yogin who has not renounced the desire-will in the mind.
3. For a sage who is ascending the hill of Yoga, action is the cause; for the same sage when he has got to the top of Yoga self-mastery is the cause.
4. When one does not get attached to the objects of sense or to works and has renounced all will of desire in the mind, then is he said to have ascended to the top of Yoga.
5. By the Self thou shouldst deliver the self, thou shouldst not depress and cast down the self (whether by self-indulgence or suppression); for the self is the friend of the Self and the self is the enemy.
6. To the man is his self a friend in whom the (lower) self has been conquered by the (higher) Self, but to him who is not in possession of his (higher) Self, the (lower) self is as if an enemy and it acts as an enemy.
7. When one has conquered one’s self and attained to the calm of a perfect self-mastery and self-possession, then is the supreme Self in a man founded and poised (even in his outwardly conscious human being) in cold and heat, pleasure and pain as well as in honour and dishonour.
8. The Yogin, who is satisfied with self-knowledge, tranquil and self-poised, master of his senses, regarding alike clod and stone and gold, is said to be in Yoga.
9. He who is equal in soul to friend and enemy and to neutral and indifferent, also to sinner and saint, he excels.
10. Let the Yogin practise continually union with the Self (so that that may become his normal consciousness) sitting apart and alone, with all desire and idea of possession banished from his mind, self-controlled in his whole being and consciousness.