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Chapter 18 The Yoga of Liberation


1. Arjuna said:

I desire, O mighty-armed, to know the principle of Sannyasa and the principle of Tyaga, O Hrishikesha, and their difference, O Keshinishudana.

2. The Blessed Lord said:

Sages have known as Sannyasa the physical depositing (or laying aside) of desirable actions; Tyaga is the name given by the wise to an entire abandonment of all attached clinging to the fruit of works.

3. “All action should be relinquished as an evil,” declare some learned men; “acts of sacrifice, giving and askesis ought not to be renounced,” say others.

4. Hear my conclusions as to renunciation (Tyaga), O best of the Bharatas; since renunciation of works, O tiger of men, has been explained as threefold.

5. Acts of sacrifice, giving and askesis ought not to be renounced at all, but should be performed, for they purify the wise.

6. Even these actions certainly ought to be done, O Partha, leaving aside attachment and fruit.

7. Verily, renunciation of rightly regulated actions is not proper; to renounce them from ignorance is a tamasic renunciation.

8. He who gives up works because they bring sorrow or are a trouble to the flesh, thus doing rajasic renunciation, obtaineth not the fruit of renunciation.

9. He who performs a rightly regulated action, because it has to be done, without any attachment either to the action or to the fruit of the action, that renunciation is regarded as sattwic.

10. The wise man with doubts cast away, who renounces in the light of the full sattwic mind, has no aversion to unpleasant action, no attachment to pleasant action.


All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita

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