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Chapter 11 The Yoga of Beholding the Form of All
Оглавление1. Arjuna said: This word of the highest spiritual secret of existence, Thou hast spoken out of compassion for me; by this my delusion is dispelled.
2. The birth and passing away of existences have been heard by me in detail from Thee, O Lotus-eyed, and also the imperishable greatness of the divine Soul.
3. So it is, as Thou hast declared Thyself, O Supreme Lord; I desire to see Thy divine form and body, O Purushottama.
4. If Thou thinkest that it can be seen by me, O Lord, O Master of Yoga, then show me Thy imperishable Self.
5. The Blessed Lord said:
Behold, O Partha, My hundreds and thousands of divine forms, various in kind, various in shape and hue.
6. Behold the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the two Aswins and also the Maruts; behold many wonders that none has beheld, O Bharata (Arjuna).
7. Here, today, behold the whole world, with all that is moving and unmoving, unified in My body, O Gudakesha, and whatever else thou willest to see.
8. What thou hast to see, this thy human eye cannot grasp; but there is a divine eye (an inmost seeing) and that eye I now give to thee. Behold Me in My divine Yoga.
9. Sanjaya said:
Having thus spoken, O King, the Master of the great Yoga, Hari, showed to Partha his supreme Form.
10-11. It is that of the infinite Godhead whose faces are everywhere and in whom are all the wonders of existence, who multiplies unendingly all the many marvellous revelations of his being, a world-wide Divinity seeing with innumerable eyes, speaking from innumerable mouths, armed for battle with numberless divine uplifted weapons, glorious with divine ornaments of beauty, robed in heavenly raiment of deity, lovely with garlands of divine flowers, fragrant with divine perfumes.