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Chapter 17 The Yoga of Threefold Faith


1. Arjuna said:

When men sacrifice to God or the gods with faith, but abandon the rule of the Shastra, what is that concentrated will of devotion in them, nistha, which gives them this faith and moves them to this kind of action, O Krishna? Is it sattwa, rajas or tamas?

2. The Blessed Lord said:

The faith in embodied beings is of a triple kind like all things in Nature and varies according to the dominating quality of their nature, sattwa, rajas or tamas. Hear thou of these.

3. The faith of each man takes the shape given to it by his stuff of being (constituting temperament), O Bharata. This Purusha, this soul in man, is, as it were, made of shraddha, a faith, a will to be, a belief in itself and existence, and whatever is that will, faith or constituting belief in him, he is that and that is he.

4. Sattwic men offer sacrifice to the gods, the rajasic to the Yakshas (the keepers of wealth) and the Rakshasic forces; the others, the tamasic, offer their sacrifice to elemental powers and grosser spirits.

5-6. The men who perform violent austerities, contrary to the Shastra, with arrogance and egoism, impelled by the force of their desires and passions, men of unripe minds tormenting the aggregated elements forming the body and troubling Me also, seated in the body, know these to be Asuric in their resolves.

7. The food also which is dear to each is of triple character, as also sacrifice, askesis and giving. Hear thou the distinction of these.

8. The sattwic temperament in the mental and physical body turns naturally to the things that increase the life, increase the inner and outer strength, nourish at once the mental, vital and physical force and increase the pleasure and satisfaction and happy condition of mind and life and body, all that is succulent and soft and firm and satisfying.

9. The rajasic temperament prefers naturally food that is violently sour, pungent, hot, acrid, rough and strong and burning, the aliments that increase ill-health and the distempers of the mind and body.

10. The tamasic temperament takes a perverse pleasure in cold, impure, stale, rotten or tasteless food or even accepts like the animals the remnants half-eaten by others.


All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita

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