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Chapter 8 The Yoga of Imperishable Brahman


1. Arjuna said:

What is tad brahma, what adhyatma, what karma, O Purushottama? And what is declared to be adhibhuta, what is called adhidaiva?

2. What is adhiyajna in this body, O Madhusudana? And how, in the critical moment of departure from physical existence, art Thou to be known by the self-controlled?

3. The Blessed Lord said:

The Akshara is the supreme Brahman: swabhava is called adhyatma; Karma is the name given to the creative movement, visarga, which brings into existence all beings and their subjective and objective states.

4. Adhibhuta is ksaro bhava, adhidaiva is the Purusha; I Myself am the Lord of sacrifice, adhiyajna here in the body, O best of embodied beings.

5. Whoever leaves his body and departs remembering Me at his time of end, comes to My bhava (that of the Purushottama, My status of being); there is no doubt of that.

6. Whosoever at the end abandons the body, thinking upon any form of being, to that form he attains, O Kaunteya, into which the soul was at each moment growing inwardly during the physical life.

7. Therefore at all times remember Me and fight; for if thy mind and thy understanding are always fixed on and given up to Me, to Me thou shalt surely come.

8. For it is by thinking always of him with a consciousness united with him in an undeviating Yoga of constant practice that one comes to the divine and supreme Purusha, O Partha.

9-10. This supreme Self is the Seer, the Ancient of Days, subtler than the subtle and (in his eternal self-vision and wisdom) the Master and Ruler of all existence who sets in their place in his being all things that are; his form is unthinkable, he is refulgent as the sun beyond the darkness; he who thinketh upon this Purusha in the time of departure, with motionless mind, a soul armed with the strength of Yoga, a union with God in bhakti and the life-force entirely drawn up and set between the brows in the seat of mystic vision, he attains to this supreme divine Purusha.


All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita

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