Читать книгу All Life Is Yoga: Bhagavadgita - Sri Aurobindo - Страница 17
Chapter 1 The Yoga of the Dejection of Arjuna
Оглавление1. Dhritarashtra said:
On the field of Kurukshetra, the field of the working out of the Dharma, gathered together, eager for battle, what did they, O Sanjaya, my people and the Pandavas?
2. Sanjaya said:
Then the prince Duryodhana, having seen the army of the Pandavas arrayed in battle order, approached his teacher and spoke these words:
3. “Behold this mighty host of the sons of Pandu, O Acharya, arrayed by Drupada’s son, thy intelligent disciple.
4-6. Here in this mighty army are heroes and great bowmen who are equal in battle to Bhima and Arjuna; Yuyudhana, Virata and Drupada of the great car, Dhrishtaketu, Chekitana and the valiant prince of Kashi, Purujit and Kuntibhoja, and Shaibya, foremost among men; Yudhamanyu, the strong, and Uttamauja, the victorious; Subhadra’s son (Abhimanyu) and the sons of Draupadi; all of them of great prowess.
7. On our side also know those who are the most distinguished, O best of the twice-born, the leaders of my army; these I name to thee for thy special notice.
8-9. Thyself and Bhishma and Karna and Kripa, the victorious in battle, Ashvatthama, Vikarna, and Saumadatti also; and many other heroes have renounced their life for my sake, they are all armed with diverse weapons and missiles and all well-skilled in war.
10. Unlimited is this army of ours and it is marshalled by Bhishma, while the army of theirs is limited, and they depend on Bhima.