Читать книгу Stand Tall Leadership - Steven A. Bollar - Страница 11

1.1.4. Make Others Better


We would not be in education if we didn't want to improve the world around us. Specifically, making other people better than what they are. When educators talk about this in my workshops, they frame it as leaders helping those under them become better within their subject, with instruction, mentoring, and setting the example for others to follow. Basically, making others better through their own actions. Everyone within a school needs something different from the leader. Yes, even the 40-year veteran teacher who doesn't talk to anyone. A great leader understands the needs of those within the organization. Either individually, within groups, specific pockets, or as a whole. Being able to gain that understanding and then acting on it is a skill that not many people have. The interesting thing about leaders trying to make others better is that leaders might think they are doing a great job but are failing miserably. I am sure you have either experienced moments or know situations where the organization is failing miserably but the leader is trucking along completely unaware, thinking that everything is growing by leaps and bounds. That level of being completely unaware isn't leadership. It is the inability to self-assess and make personal changes to ensure that the growth of others is taking place in the right directions. The most successful leaders are able to self-assess and properly connect their actions to the needs of others so that each person grows. With that said, I ask: Is that a common trait? Does that person blend in with everyone else, or does he, she stand out and stand tall?

The most successful leaders are able to self-assess and properly connect their actions to the needs of others so that each person grows.


Think about the leaders that you admire. It doesn't matter if you know them or not. Do they Stand Tall?

 Do they have a vision and are they able to share that vision with others in order to move people toward success?

 Are they a great communicator by understanding the culture of an organization and molding their messages so that it is clearly understood?

 Do they step up and make the hard decisions when it is time and stand by those decisions?

 Are they making others better through continual self-assessment and personalized connections?

Think about yourself as a leader. Do you blend in with every other person in your organization? If the answer is yes, take a moment and think about how you are implementing the above into your leadership. If you noticed, none of them have to do with how tall you are. They do have everything to do with how you Stand Tall. Are you a Stand Tall Leader?

Stand Tall Leadership

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