Читать книгу Stand Tall Leadership - Steven A. Bollar - Страница 16

1.5. Practice? It's Just Practice!


When you have time to think things through and practice how you will respond, you come out as a better leader. You are a more polished, prepared, and stronger Stand Tall Leader. It is amazing how on television shows they always say the right thing all the time. Even if they are supposed to say the wrong thing, they say the wrong thing the right way. That is because it is fake, and the actors rehearse what was going to be said and how to say it. Imagine if you as a leader were able to say and do the right thing all the time. You were polished and prepared, especially when things around you were going crazy. That only happens when you properly prepare and rehearse prior to the actual event. When is that practice supposed to take place? Exactly! It usually doesn't.

I used to be so proud of how I could react on a moment's notice within my position. I thought that the outcomes I produced were best when I was pushed, and I operated on instinct. Boy, was I wrong about that. Within my second year as a principal, I had a faculty meeting after school. One of my teachers challenged me with a question about a building management process within the school. I quickly provided an answer and tried to continue with the meeting. Immediately afterward, she asked another question. I responded to that question as well. Then others asked another and another and another question. As a school leader, I am sure you have experienced this. Eventually, I had to stop everyone, stating that I would figure it out and get back with an answer. I wouldn't have minded playing hide and seek at that moment. The next day, I realized that I needed time for myself to think and prepare how I was going to solve the issue and respond appropriately.

Upon reflection and time, I was able to be better prepared and a stronger leader. Take the time you need to get out of the spotlight and reflect on being a leader. It is okay to do this. Others who work with you will be empowered and you will respond much better to those around you. You will be amazed at how refreshed you will feel after having the time to think and practice how to react and respond. Thinking is a valuable commodity that does not happen as often as you would hope. Most of the time as school leaders we are reactionary and on auto pilot. We even get comfortable with operating that way on a regular basis. The sad part is that when we do have time to think, we get FOMO (fear of missing out). When we are behind closed doors alone, thinking and practicing, we think that we are missing out on something that is happening in the school. It's hard to truly shift our thinking toward what we need to be thinking about. Even though we are in our own thoughts, we have an ear out to the noises in the hallway—especially if it is too quiet. It's like when you go on vacation. It takes a day or two to truly wind down and start to fully immerse yourself in the vacation experience. It takes practice for you to get used to having time to think and practice. Work with your office staff and other leaders to carve out time to make it happen. Put it on your calendar. Then keep that schedule. It will help you become a Stand Tall Leader.

When you have time to think things through and practice how you will respond, you come out as a better leader.


Stand Tall Leadership

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