Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 48



Salient Thought for the Day.

To maintain our equilibrium is the greatest practical wisdom.

Lines to Memorize.

Covet not pleasure.

Shrink not from pain.

Stand firm on the balancing rod of life.

He who seeketh pleasure can ne’er escape pain:

For they are coupled,—the inseparable twins.

Let thy soul live in tranquil harmony

Amid pleasure and amid pain.


When we dwell in the body we are easily agitated. The balance is easily destroyed. But when we dwell in Spirit we maintain our poise. The small-minded man is easily disturbed, but the big man keeps his balance under all circumstances. When we are willing to live or die for our Ideal, we remain calm and poised in all the varying conditions of life.


O Thou Who art changeless and abiding,

Grant to me such trust in Thee that I may cross over all difficulties and trials,

And find absolute peace and quietude.

Help me to shake off all fear and anxiety

And rest in the consciousness of Thy protecting Presence.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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