Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 58



Salient Thought for the Day.

We eliminate weakness through our life. We can make ourselves like a fortress—invulnerable.

Lines to Memorize.

The ramparts of this dwelling where I live

Are built with faith, hope, courage and love.

These four walls stand all weather and storm.


If we can carry holy thoughts and hold a right sense of values, we can live our life without breaking under it, no matter how difficult it may be. We are hurting ourselves fundamentally when we lower our standard. If we hold to a fixed level of conduct, whatever the world does, we still maintain our standard. When we walk in the light of God, there is no darkness. The light of Truth always shines through our life when we have love in our heart.


Thou, O Lord, art the Source of my strength and sustenance.

Fill me with spiritual strength.

Make me steadfast and selfless and strong to endure.

May I rest in Thy Holy Presence

And feel secure in the consciousness of Thy protecting love.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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