Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 64



Salient Thought for the Day.

The one who lacks in resolution and tranquillity, in vain does he seek knowledge.

Lines to Memorize.

My restless mind, wandering and tired,

Sitteth in Thy Presence in rapture.

Like a thirsty bird that drinketh the rain-drops

On a sultry mid-summer day.


We have no right to make ourselves so much a slave to circumstance that we lack resourcefulness. We should be so resourceful that constantly we have something to contribute to ourselves first, then to others. We should never give way to discouragement or to a sense of aloneness. We should be glad when circumstances offer us opportunities for aloneness. We should utilize these moments to cultivate the love of high ideals and learn to reflect them in our life.


Thou, All-wise One, art the Source of my life and power;

Reveal Thyself unto me that my mind may be freed from doubt and darkness.

May my thoughts and prayers be worthy

That I may gain access to Thy Infinite Light.

Through it all things are known.

Fill my heart with that Light, leaving no room for aught else.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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