Читать книгу Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda - Swami Paramananda - Страница 51



Salient Thought for the Day.

We never know when the hour of test will arise.

Lines to Memorize.

Awakener, I heard Thee call me in the stillness of night when all was in deep slumber.

Again I heard Thy voice;

But sleep was still upon me.

Since the light hath burst upon mine eyes and

I see Thy Face,

My sleep is gone.


There come moments when we feel thwarted, when all spiritual avenues seem blocked. These are the moments for us to hold fast and wait. If we can learn to keep our mind in truth and in rhythm nothing can thwart us. As long as we cling to the reality of God, we shall remain fearless and unfaltering.


O Thou Infinite One, reveal Thyself unto me

That I may find my safety in Thy Divine Presence.

Help me always to be on guard and watchful

That I may overcome whatever may assail me.

Thou art the Giver of all strength.

Surround me with Thy loving protection

And grant that I may learn to look to Thee in the moments of joy and in the hour of darkness.

Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers by Swami Paramanda

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