Читать книгу Start & Run an ESL Teaching Business - T. Nicole Pankratz - Bodner - Страница 27

4 Developing Your Programs and Services


Whether you have chosen to open a formal tutorial service for immigrant youth, an informal tutor network for adult international students, or a combination of education services, your programs and services must match the needs, desires, and expectations of your clientele. Your programs and services also need to be easily understood by your target market.

Tutoring programs differ from school programs in that they are created to suit the specific needs of a particular individual. The actual tutorial program cannot really begin until after the student is assessed and interviewed about his or her strengths and weaknesses, short-term and long-term goals, and areas of interest. However, the system of tutorial delivery can and should be developed before students access your services. In short, before you open your doors (or telephone lines), you need to set up an assessment system and a schedule outlining program-delivery options. Making decisions about assessments and program delivery requires some big-picture planning.

Start & Run an ESL Teaching Business

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