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The postmillennial generation (born after 1995) is the most digitally savvy among us and the first generation to grow up with smartphones. Also called Generation Z or the App Generation, the iGeneration has no memory of a time without social media. Although still forming their identities, they nonetheless are expected to present a crystallized and idealized online identity.29 Described as conscientious, somewhat anxious, and predisposed to “play it safe,” they are looked to as prime influencers of tomorrow and mindful of the future. They tend to embrace anonymous media platforms where incriminating images disappear virtually instantly. Sometimes referred as “millennials on steroids,” they are concerned with their personal brands but believe that the generation before them posted too openly.30

Career Builder: Gen-You and Future Me

Culture influences many of our work orientations, including the ability to work in a team, conceptions of leadership, ideas of rewards, attitudes toward gender, ideas about power, the amount of uncertainty one can tolerate, and the topics discussed with coworkers. Of course, culture also impacts ability to work with the members of diverse generations.

1 First, explain how your cultural identification influences you on each of the variables identified in the previous paragraph.

2 Next, discuss the behaviors that you and others of your generation should adopt in order to work successfully in organizations alongside members of earlier and/or later generations. What would you explain to members of these other generations regarding how to work successfully with you?

3 Finally, indicate how you would determine if an organization’s culture reflected your values and was a good fit for you.

The Communication Playbook

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