Читать книгу The Interpersonal Communication Playbook - Teri Kwal Gamble - Страница 20

Models of Interpersonal Communication


Whether we are able to share meaning during person-to-person encounters depends on how well we handle the essential elements active in the process. For example, depending on the situation, patting someone on the back may be perceived as friendly and supportive or as a form of sexual harassment. There are seven key elements that influence interpretation of this act (see Table 1.1). Let’s discuss each one.

Table 1.1

Analyze This: Are You in a Disguise?

In the poem Anonymous, 21st century poet Samuel Manashe suggests that when in the company of another person, too often we pretend to be someone we are not, keeping our actual identity secret and hoping to remain unknown or anonymous.


 Truth to tell,

 Seldom told

 Under oath,

 We live lies

 And grow old


 Who are you

 I talk to?

1 How might remaining anonymous be enabling to someone?

2 What could compel you to disguise yourself when interacting with another person online or offline?

3 How would you handle the pain, frustration, and anger caused by feeling the need to suppress your cultural identity or hide your feelings to maintain a relationship?

Source: “Anonymous,” from New and Selected Poems of Samuel Menashe copyright © 2005 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.

The Interpersonal Communication Playbook

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