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Movement Matters


The timeline presented in Chapter 1 provided evidence that we were an active society throughout much of history. We went from a culture that had to move for survival to a civilization that is inactive and sedentary. It is crucial to the future health and success of our nation that we begin to make a shift by reverting back to some of our past practices regarding movement. Increasing physical activity and fitness levels in today’s youth is a serious challenge that we must face with a united approach. Movement matters in a classroom setting to improve academic achievement, and kinesthetic teaching methodologies can help make this happen! Comfort levels regarding movement are so unique to an individual’s personality that some students are hesitant to engage in various forms of physical activity. However, the more we move learners, the better our chances are for increasing these comfort levels. Exposing students to positive movement experiences can help elevate their confidence while minimizing resistance. The more we move, the better we feel and perform. So, let’s move more!

Movement also matters in a classroom environment because as human beings, we have many needs aside from food, water, and shelter. Kinesthetic teaching methodologies can help meet these needs. Tony Robbins, a well-known American author, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and life coach, references “6 Core Human Needs” (Jane, 2013). Utilizing active learning strategies can help meet these core human needs:

1 Certainty/Comfort: Feeling in control and having basic comfort is very important to us as human beings. When using kinesthetic strategies, the learner has control of his or her body, and successful movement can provide a feeling of confidence and comfort.

2 Uncertainty/Variety: Teachers have an abundance of choices when considering movement activities for a classroom setting. This allows for an extensive range of preferences, mixtures, and selections.

3 Significance: We all want to feel important and/or special. Using active learning activities creatively in a classroom environment can do that when educators follow the recommendations found herein.

4 Love and connection: Kinesthetic environments help build a community connection within a school setting. These bonds are meaningful and can aid in establishing a rewarding learning setting that is kind, respectful, and interconnected.

5 Growth: Growing as individuals and contributing to others will naturally occur in a community learning environment. It is simply the nature of a connected atmosphere.

6 Contribution: Giving/contributing to others or perhaps sharing with others is important for individual growth and will be essential in organizing efficient kinesthetic learning environments.

The Movement and Technology Balance

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