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Engaging the Senses and Increasing Student Engagement


Sight, hearing, and touch—all elements potentially used in kinesthetic experiences and technologies—contribute most to our learning (Sousa, 2017). The more senses that are used in the learning process, the more likely the information will be retained and recalled at a later date. Traditional classrooms are consumed with writing, listening, reading, and seatwork—some with high digital usage, some without. These established skills are still valued in a learning environment, especially when partnered with technology. However, limiting the length of time students need to hold their attention to these tasks is an important consideration in all classrooms and school environments. Kinesthetic teaching techniques engage the learner and can be applied alongside traditional teaching methodologies, similarly to technology use. Increasing student engagement during instruction and delivering a multisensory experience by balancing movement and technology is an approach that will help teachers enhance student learning and peak performance.

The Movement and Technology Balance

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