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The Conventione of the Kirk, halden in the Kirk of Leith, 12th Januar 1571(2): In the quhilk war present the Superintendants, Barrones, Commissioners to plant Kirks, Commissioners of Provinces, Towns, Kirks, and Ministers. Mr Gilbert Gardin, continued Moderator.

Sessio 1a.

The brethren presently convenit, all in ane voice concludit that this present conventione shall have the strenth, force, and effect, of ane Generall Assembly, and that all things be treatit and endit herein, that may guidlie be done, and usit to be concludit in ane Generall Assemblie, nottheless that all sic brethren as may gudlie travell, conveine to the Generall Assembly, to begin in St Androis the saxt day of March nixt to come, and the Moderator to continow to that tyme, and make exhortation according to the rule.

Sessio 3a.

The Kirk undirstandand that my Lord Regent’s Grace and Counsell was desyreous that Mr Robert Pont sould accept the place of ane of the Senators of the Colledge of Justice, quhilk he would on no wayes accept, without the advyse of the Kirk; Therefore the haill brethren assemblit, gives licence to the said Mr Robert, to accept and use the said place of a Senator of the said Colledge of Justice, what tyme he shall be required thereto: Providing alwayes, that he leave not the office of the ministrie, but that he exercise the same, as he sould be appoyntit be the Kirk; and this their licence to the said Mr Robert, to be no preparative to no uther minister to procure sic promotione, unless the Kirk’s advyce be had of before, and license obtained thereunto.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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