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The Generall Assembly, begun and halden in Edinburgh, the saxt day of August 1573: In the whilk war present the Earles, Lords, Barrones, Bischops, Superintendants, Commissioners to plant Kirks, Commissioners of Provinces, Townes, and Kirks, with the Ministers. Mr Alexander Arbuthnot was chosen Moderator.


Because it is understand that certaine of the nobilitie of this realme and Secret Councill are to repare to this Assemblie, Therefore the haill brethren ordaynes, that the haill nobility and councill, with commissioners of provinces, townes, and kirks, having power to vote, shall sitt within the barr of the said Over Tolbooth, and all uthers without the same.

Sessio 2.

The Books of Visitatione of Bischops, Superintendants, and Commissioners to plant kirks, aught to be seen and considerit, and their diligence in their offices; and commissioners were appointit to that effect.

Touching them that receaves excommunicants and order taking thereanent; the haill Kirk presently assemblit, ordains all Bischops, Superintendants, Commissioners to plant kirks, and Ministers of particular kirks, to proceed to excommunicatione againes all receivers of excommunicat persones, if, after dew admonitione, the receavers rebell and beis disobedient, conforme to the order conteinit in the booke of excommunicatione: and whosoever knawes and yet receaves and intertains excommunicat persones, albeit he desist after admonitione, yet shall he underly the discipline of the Kirk, be making of publick repentance, except sic as are except of the law. And to the effect that nane pretend ignorance of the saids excommunicat persons, the Kirk ordaynes and statutes all bishops, superintendants, and commissioners, in the synodall conventions, shall take up in row, the names of the excommunicants within their jurisdictions, and bring their names to the Generall Assemblies, to be published to uthers Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners, that they, be their ministers in thair provinces, may divulgat the same in their haill countries where the excommunicants haunts.

Sess. 6.

Alexander Hay, clark of the Secret Councill, presentit certaine heids to the Assembly concernyng the provisione of ministers’ stipends be particular assignationes.

Sessio 7.

Touching the changeing of situation of the paroche kirks, their gleibs, and manses, for the commoditie of the parochiners, The Kirk gives licence to the Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners to plant kirks, with the advyce and consent of the parochiners and ministrie of the countrie, to change the paroche kirks, manses, and gleibs frae ane place to another, for the commoditie of the saids parochiners; provyding allwayes, that the charge thereof be not hurtfull to the ministrie, and suretie sufficient be made of the lands in quantitie and qualitie as they were before, to remaine with the Kirk for ever, with mortificatione thereof to the King’s Majestie.

Anent them that consults with witches: The Kirk presently assemblit, ordaynes all Bishops, Superintendents, and Commissioners to plant kirks, to call all sic persones as shall be found suspect to consult with witches before them at their particular visitationes or utherwayes; and if they have been found to have consultit with the saids witches, that they cause them make publick repentance in sackcloath, upon an Sonday in tyme of preaching, under the paine of excommunication if they be disobedient, dew admonitions preceiding.

Anent the uniformitie to be observit in proces of excommunicatione: It is ordainit that Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners to plant kirks, shall direct their letters to ministers where the persones that are to be excommunicat dwells, commanding the saids ministers to admonische accordingly; and, in caise of disobedience, to proceed to excommunication, and pronounce the sentence thereof upon ane Sonday in tyme of preaching; and, thereafter, the ministers to indorse the saids letters, makand mention of the dayes of their admonitiones and excommunication for disobedience forsaid, and to report to the saids Bishops, Superintendants, and Commissioners, according to their directione conteinit in the said letters.

Greit men offending in sic crymes as deserves sackcloath; they should receave the samen as well as the puire.

No Superintendent nor Commissioner, with advyce of any particular kirk of their jurisdictione, may dispense with the extreamitie of sackcloath prescryvit be the acts of generall discipline, for any pecuniall soume ad pios usus.

Ane man willing to dimitt his benefice simpliciter, sould dimitt it in the hands of the just patrone.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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