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The Generall Assembly of the Kirk, holdin at Edinburgh, in the Nether Counsell-house, the 25th of December 1568: In the whilk were assembled the Superintendants, Ministers, and Commissioners of Townes and Kirks; Thanks being gine and inuocatione for assistance of the Holy Spirit be Mr John Knox, minister of Edinburgh. No mention of ane moderator.

Anent the letters receavit from my Lord Glencairne, daited att Glasgow the 21st of December instant, bearing in effect the great zeall his Lordship beares to the glory of God, to the maintaining of an commone cause and instant necessitie of the ministers of Christ’s Evangell, ffor support whereof his Lordship hes put the Kirk in possession of the thirds of the Bishopric of Glasgow, mair regairding the maintaining of the ministrie nor his Lordship’s own profite and commoditie; shawing his Lordship’s great desyre to have been at this present Assemblie if the urgent cause of the common weall now in hands, and als the distance of the place now impedit; promiseing whatsoever beis in this Assembly godlie concludit on, his Lordship will sett fordward the same to the uttermost of his power: Requesting also for the placeing of Mr John Porterfield, now banisched from Dumbartone; as in lyke manner for ane godly learned Inglishman, and for their reasonable stipends; off the quhilk his Lordship’s godlie zeal and benefit bestowit on the Kirk, as also the earnest carefullness for supporting the pastors of Chryst’s flocke, the haill brethren assemblit praisit God unfainedly, and thanks his Lordship maist heartilie, not doubting but the Spirite of the Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen his Lordship vnto the end. As to the two brethren requested for be his Lordship, the brethren assemblit hes gine commission to Mr Androw Hay to place and appoint them according to his conscience.

Because of the rairness of this Assembly, the 25th day of Februar nixt was appointed to conveen on, and letters of advertisement was ordained to be send to every superintendant, whais tennor follows:

The haill brethren presently assemblit, having consideration not only to the bruit and sickness within this burgh, albeit (God be praised) there is no occasione of feare thereof, but also of the great tempest and storme of weather, thought to be universallie within this realme, alswell in the north as in the south, that through feare of the ane and impediment of the other, the Brethren, Superintendants of Angus, Mearns, and Fife, Ministers, Commissioners, and uthers, alsewell of these parts as of the west and south, might not compeir at this Assembly according to the appointment thereof in the last Sessione of the Assembly halden in July last, was thought meit to continow all actions whatsoever unreasonit and undecydit whill the 25th day of Februar nixt to come, and then to haue the haill brethren forsaids to conveen in Edinburgh be themselves, or giue any thing chances in the meanetyme, wherethrough justly they are impedit, thair commissioners sufficiently authorised: give the said day and place please not, the haill brethren or maist part thereof, to reason and conclude all actiones pertayning to the ministrie, to condescend and appoynt some other day and place, not only convenient for the ministers and commissioners of townes and kirks, but also apt for resorting of the nobilitie and privie councill, quhaise presence are very requisite for setting fordward the affaires of the Kirk; and therefore exhorted the saids brethren, ministers, and commissioners of townes and kirks within their bounds respective, as was appointit in the last Assemblie, to conveen in Edinburgh the said 25th day of February nixt to come, as the brethren of the West and South shall be in lyke manner warned thereto. Given in the Generall Assembly and first Sessione thereof, subscribed be the Clerk of the same, day, year, and place foirsaids.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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