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The Convention of the Kirk of Scotland, gathered in Edinburgh the penult day of Junij 1562, in the quhilk were present the Superintendants, Ministers, and Commissioners underwritten:—


Mrs Johne Spottiswood of Louthiane, Johne Wynrhame of Fyfe, Johne Willock of Glasgow, Johne Erskine of Dun of Angus, Johne Carswell of Argyle.

Ministers and Commissioners,

Johne Knox, Minister of Edinburgh, James Barrone and Edward Hope, Commissionars;

James Yong, Mr David Lindsay, Minister at Leith, Patrick Cockburne, and Johne Browne, Commissioners;

Mr Johne Craig, Minister at Halierudehouse, Johne Hart and Williame Oswald, Commissioners;

Williame Harlaw, Minister of St Cuthbert’s Kirk;

Johne Burne, Minister of Mussilburgh;

Mr Thomas Cranstoune, Minister at Tranent;

Alexander Forrester, Minister at Libbertoune;

Mr George Furde, Minister at Dunnune;

Mr David Weymis, Minister of Ratho;

David Cunninghame, Minister of Lanarick;

James Walker, Minister of Steinstoun;

Christopher Goodman, Minister at St Andrews;

Mr George Leslie, Minister at Strathmiglow;

Richard Melvill, Minister at Inchbraok and Maritoun;

Johne Douglas of Pumfrestoun, and Johne Douglas in Howden, Commissioners of the Kirk of Calder;

The Laird of Spott, Commissioner for Dunbar and diverse in the Mers;

James Fleyming, Elder and Commissioner of Glasgow;

The Laird of Lye, Commissioner of Lanerick;

The Laird of Barre, Commissioner of Kyle;

Johne Cathcart of Cariltoun, Commissioner of Carrick;

Mr Robert Pont, Elder and Commissioner of St Andrews;

Thomas Scott of Hayning, Commissioner of Selkraig and Melros.

The quhilk day the fornameit convenit in Mr Hendrie Lawe’s House, and after prayer the Heids and Articles following were treated:—

That Unitie of Doctrine may be retained among the Ministers.

That errors may be avoided, that manners may be reformed, vyce punished without exception of persons, and so that vertew and knowledge may be universallie planted through this realme.

Because the Lives of Ministers aught to be sick as thereby uthers may be provocked to Godliness, It becomes them first to be tryed, and therefore after the tryell of the Superintendants, if any man have to accuse them in life, doctrine, or execution of their office, The Elders of every Kirk most be charged in God’s behalfe to declare their conscience of their Minister, touching their doctrine, life, manners, and conversatione: if any be accused and convict of any notable cryme, he must be subject to the censure of the Kirk, and suffer punishment and admonition, as they shall pronounce.

After the Ministers, the Elders of every Kirk must be tryed, if any hes to lay to the charge of any of them, the accused, whether he be Minister or Elder, aught to remove out of the Assemblie whill his cause be tryed: if he be convict, he can have no voit whill the Kirk receive satisfactione.

After tryall be taken of the haill, then must every Superintendant, with the Ministers and Elders within his Diocie, expone to the Kirk the estate of the Kirk amang them, note the offences and crymes that they know, to the end that the haill may advise some wholsome remead, or at least make supplication to the superiour powers for the samen; and lest that confusione should happen through rashness and hastiness, lotts would be casten what Diocie should first be heard, what secondlie, and swa furth of the rest.

That no Minister leave his flock for coming to the Assemblie except he have complaints to make, or else be complained on, or at the least be warned thereto be the Superintendant.

The Second Assembly, holden the last day of Junii 1562.

It is concluded be the whole Ministers assembled, that all Ministers shall be subject to their Superintendants in all lawful admonitions, as is prescryved as weele in the Booke of Discipline as in the election of Superintendants.

That Superintendants take compt what Books every Minister hes in store in the tyme of their visitation, and how the saids Ministers and every one of them does profite from tyme to tyme in reading and studying the same.

The Third Sessioune, holden the first of Julii 1562.

It is concluded that the Minister shall inquire his elders and every one of them to assist him in all his Lawfull Assemblies; In the whilk if they be found negligent, yet shall he proceed to all admonitiones according to the rule of Christ, whilk they or any of them obey not; then shall the Minister, with so many of the Kirk as will subscryve with him, notifie the matter to the Superintendent, and if he be his can profite nothing, then be his advyse that the inobedient be pronounced excommunicat, and the magistrat, subject to the rule of Christ, be not exeemed from the same punishment, being found guiltie or inobedient.

To make supplication to the hier powers for the Manss and aikers to Ministers to dwell in, according to the Book of Discipline, and the Kirks to be repaired that are decayed, conforme to the act of the Lords of the Secret Councill, pronounced before the Q. G. homecuming.

The Fifth Session, holden at Edinburgh, Julii 3, 1562.

The haill Kirk appoints and decerns Mr John Sharpe and Robert Wilsone to minister in sick Kirks as shall be thought good be the Kirk.

The Sixth Session, 4th July 1562.

Touching the removeing of Idolatrie, the Kirk now, as of before, concludes humble supplication to be given in to her hienes, but the manner how, they have referred to farther consultation of her Majesties Secret Councill.

That supplication be made to her hienes for punishing of all vyces commanded be the Law of God to be punished, and yet not commanded be the law of the realme, viz. blasphemie of God’s name, contempt of his word and Sacraments, profanation of the samen be sick as were not lawfully called to the ministration thereof, perjurie and taking of the name of God commonlie in vaine, breakers of the Sabboth day, In keeping of common mercats, adulteries, fornication, filthie talking; and further, that punishment be execute upon the transgressors of the last proclamation made against massmongers or hearers.

Anent the actiones of divorcement, to make supplication to the Secret Councill, that either they give up universallie the Judgment of divorce to the Kirk and their Session, or else to establish men of good lives, knowledge, and Judgement, to take the order thereof; provyding allwayes that the saids Lords make provisione and ordinance how the guiltie persons shall be punished.

And sua dissolvet this Assembly, and appointed to conveen again the 25th day of December nixt to come in Edinburgh.

(Sic subscribitur) John Gray.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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