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Att Edinburgh, the 27th of May 1561.

The whole Kirk, conveened in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, hes decerned and thought good, that ane humble Complaint be made and givin in, in their names, touching the suppressing of Idolatrie, and uther points after following, to the Lords of Secret Councill.

In the First, For suppressing of Idolatrie throughout the whole Realme, and punishing of the Users thereof, Maintainers of the samen, Haunters and Frequenters therto.

Item, For maintaining ane speciall provisione to be made for superintendents, and disobeyers of them.

Item, For ordour to be taken anent the Abusers of the Sacraments, and Contemners of the samen.

Item, That no Letters of the Sessioune be givin to answer or pay to any persone their Teynds, without speciall provisione that the Parochiners retain sae meikle in their hands as is appointed to the Minister; and that all sick as are else givin, be callit in and discharged, and likewayes that no Shreffs give precepts to that effect.

Item, That the Sessioune nor no uther Judges proceed upon sick precepts or warnings past at the instance of them that hes obtained Fewes of lait, of Vicarages, Persons’ Manses, and Kirk-yards.

Item, That no Letters take place whill the Stipends, contained in the Book of Discipline for the sustentation of the Ministers, be first consigned in the hands at least of the principall of the Parochiners.

Item, For ordour to be taken upon the punishment of such as purchases, brings hame, and executes within this Realme, the Pope’s Bulls.

28th May 1561.

The Kirk conveened; after they heard the Supplication and Articles foresaid, being put in forme, read in the presens, at lenth advysed therwith,—ordained the samine to be presented to the Secret Councill; and for presenting thereof and obtaining of Answers therto, nominat and ordained thir Brethren after mentioned to wait theron, viz. The Maister of Lindsay, the Laird of Ferniehirst elder, Thomas Menzies, Proveist of Aberdeen, the Laird of Lochinvar, the Laird of Whittinghame, and George Lovell, Burgess of Dundie.

Upon the whilk Supplication, Articles, and sute thereoff, was granted and followit be the Lords of Secreit Counsell, ane Act and Ordinance therupon, with Letters thereupon, answering to every Head of the said Articles and Supplication at length specified in the Act of Secreit Counsell made therupon, whilk is to be had in the hands of Johne Johnstoun, Scrybe therof, and Supplication past therupon.

May 29, 1561.

The whilk day, touching the sclander taken be the horrible fault and impietie committed within this burgh under silence of night be Marquies Dalbuife and his Colleagues, in breaking up of Cuthbert Ramsay his ʒetts and doors, and searching and seeking of his daughter in Law to oppress her, as appeared: It is thought good be the whole Kirk that ane Supplicatione be made and given in to the Queen’s Majestie, in name of the Professors of the Evangell, and the persons before nominat present the samen, to seek the answer thereof: the forme of the Supplication followeth:—

To the Q. Majestie, her Secret and Great Councill, her G. faithful and obedient subjects, Professors of Christ Jesus his holy Evangell, wishes the Spirit of Righteousness and Judgement.

The fear of God conceaved of his holy word, the naturall and unfained Love we bear unto your G. the dewtie quhilk we owe unto our Countrey, and terrible threatenings quhilk our God pronunces against every realme and citie in the quhilks horrible crimes are openly committed, and then be the Committers obstinatly defended, compel us, an great part of your subjects, humbly to crave of your G. upright and trew Judgement against sick persones as hes done what in them lyes to kindle God’s wrath against this realme. The impietie be them committed is so hainous and so horrible, that as it was a fact most vyle and rare to be heard of within this realme, principallie within the bounds of citie, so should we think ourselves guiltie of the samen if negligently, or yet for worldly fear, we pass it over with silence, and therefore your Grace may not think that we require any thing. All that we crave, open malefactors condignly to be punished, But that whilk God hes commanded us to crave, and has also commanded your G. to give to every one of your subjects; ffor be this Link hes God knitt together the Prince and the people, That as he commands honor, fear, and obedience to be given to the Powers established be him, so does he in express words command and declare what thing the Prince aught unto the subjects, To witt, that as he is the Minister of God his word, bearing the Sword for vengeance to be taken on evil doers, and for the defence of peaceable and quiet men, swa ought he to draw the samen without all partialitie swa oft as in God his name he is required thereto. Seeing so it is, Madame, that this crime so recently committed, and that in the eyes of your haill realme now presently assembled, is so hainous, ffor who heretofore hath heard within the bounds of Edinburgh, ʒetts and houses under silence of night bruised up, houses ryped, and that with hostilitie seeking ane woman, as appeared, to oppress her:—Seeing, we say, this crime is so hainous, That all godlie men fear not only God’s sair displeasure to fall upon you and your whole realme, But also that sick libertie breed contempt, and in the end seditione, if remeed in tyme be not goodlie provyded, quhilk in our Judgement is possible, if severe punishment be not execute for the cryme committed. Therefore, we most humbly beseech your Grace that, all affection laid aside, ye declare yourselfe so upright in this case that ye may give evident demonstratione to all your subjects, that the fear of God, joyned with the love of common tranquillitie, have principall seat and dominion in your Grace’s heart. This further, Madam, of conscience we speak, that as your G. in God his name does crave of us obedience, quhilk to render in all things lawful we are most willing, swa in the samen name doe we, the whole Professors of Christ’s Evangell within this realme, crave of you and of your Councill sharp punishment of this cryme, and for performance thereof, that, without all delay, the principall actor of this most hainous cryme, and the persewars of this pretended villanie may be called before the Chief Justice of this realme to suffer ane assyse, and to be punished according to the Lawes of the samen, and your G. answer we most humbly beseek.

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

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