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ОглавлениеThe Generall Assemblie of the Kirke, gathered and convened at Edinburgh the 25th of December 1564, holden in the Over Tolbooth thereof; In the whilk were the Superintendents, Ministers, with the Commissioners of Shires and particular Kirkes,—the exhortation being made be Mr John Knox, Minister of Edinburgh.
First, for eschewing of confusione, and that everie brother should speak in his own roome with modestie, It wes thought good that ane Moderator should be appointed; and with full consent of all the brethren present was John Erskine of Dunn, Superintendent of Angus and Mearns, appointed to be Moderator for this Assemblie, who accepted it upon him.
Ordained, that no question be proponed be any brother unto the tyme the affaires of the Kirk and order thereof be first treated and ended, and thereafter, if any brother have a question worthy to be proponed, that the samen be proponed in write, and if the samen requyres hasty resolution, it shall be decyded in this present Assembly before the end thereof, otherwayes the decision of the samen shall be referred to every one of the Superintendents within whose bounds the question is proponed, and they and every one of them, with ane certaine number of the Ministers, as they shall think meet to appoynt, for assisting to hear the reasoning of the saids questions, and thereafter their reasons to be put in write, affirmative or negative, whilks every ane of them shall report to the next Assemblie.
The same day, the haill Assembly caused to present to the Lords of Secret Councill the heads and articles following, and required their honors to obtaine answer thereof at the Q. Grace, and to signifie unto them her Majestie’s good pleasure thereintill.
The haill Assembly requires humbly their Honors to signifie to the Queen’s Majestie, that the transgressors of the proclamations past against the hearers and sayers of Masse, together with the abusers of the Sacraments, are now so common, that it may be greatly feared that judgements shall suddenlie follow, except remeid be provided in tyme.
2. To require payment to Ministers of their stipends for the tyme bypast, according to the promise made, and to let the Assembly know how the Ministers shall be sustained in tyme to come.
3. To require Superintendants to be placed where none are within this realme, viz. in the Merss, Teviotdale, Forrest, Tweddall, and the rest of the Dealls in the South not provided, with Aberdeen and the uther parts in the North, likewise destitute.
4. To require punishment of sic as hes steiked the doors of the paroche kirk, and will not open the same to parochiners that presented themselves to have heard the word of God preached, sic as Pasley, Aberdeen, Corrie, Dopline, and Aberdagy.
5. Humbly to require the Q. Maj. what the Kirk shall look for, touching provision of benefices vaikand and to vaik.
6. To crave ane resolution and declaration of the Manses and Gleibs, whether they be set in feu or not, and be what means the Ministers shall come to the use and possession thereof.
7. The acts touching the reparation of the kirks to be put in execution.
The answer of every ane of the particulars the General Assembly humbly requires.
Session Second, holden December 26, 1564.
Anent ane supplication presented be Beatrix Livingstoun, touching ane promise made to her be Patrick Hardie to have solemnized the band of matrimonie with her ane lang tyme since, his wife Katherine Rutherford being in lyfe, and now divorcement had betwixt them. Bearing alse and making mention of ane decreit and decisione of the said promise and nullitie thereof, given and pronounced be John Eskine of Dun, Alexander Guthrie of Halkertoune, Robert Campbell of Kinʒcomscleugh, and Mr Robert Hamiltone, for verification whereof the said Beatrix producit the said decreit, subscryved be the forsaids persons, in presense of John Willock, Superintendant of the West, Christopher Goodman, and Mr George Hay, of the date at Edinburgh the first of July 1563, bearing in effect, that the said promise made be the said Patrick to the said Beatrix on no wayes might be sustained be the law of the Evangell; and therefore the said Patrick to be quyte therefrae in all tyme comeing, In respect of the marriage standing betwixt him and his wife foresaid undissolved, and that the said promise was not only null in the selfe, but also unjust and unlawfull, and that the makers thereof had offended, and were worthy of punishment at the discretion of the Kirk: Quhilk supplication and decreit being read and considered, the haill Assembly in ane voyce authorised and allowed the said decreit, pronounced be the said brethren, and alse pronounced the said Patrick and Beatrix to be free frae the said pretended promise in tyme comeing, Requiring that punishment for making of the said promise hereafter to the Kirk’s discretion thereof.
Session Third, December 27, 1564.
Anent the supplication presented to the Assembly in name of Paull Methven, and touching diverse petitions therein contained, wherewith the said Assembly being well and rypelie advysed, and after long reasoning had therein, with mature deliberation, gave their answer as follows:—
Anent his receaving to repentance, the haill Assembly are content to receave the said Paull to repentance, presentand him personallie before them, declareing evident signes of unfained repentance, willing to obey sic injunctions as the Kirk shall please to appoint him to doe and fulfill.
Touching his desyre to delate his proces of their books, thereto the Clark can noways condescend, neither think they that sick ane petition can proceed from the Holy Ghost, seeing David, ane notable servant of God, eschewed not to write his owne offence to God’s glory and his own confusione. Anent his admission to the ministrie within the realme, that was thought no wayes sufferable unto sic tyme as the memorie of his former impietie be more deeplie buried, and some notable Kirk within this realme make earnest request for his new acceptation; and likewise the Kirk signifies unto him, that his entry in the ministrie in the parts of England, he being excommunicat and unreconciled, hes grievously offended them; as also the last part of his writeing, where he accuses false witnesses, who hes deponed no other thing in effect nor he has confessed with his mouth in write. Farder, the Assembly required the brethren to whom the said Paull hes written, that amongst uthers their answers they signifie unto him that he may safelie repare toward this realme, notwithstanding lately proclaimed against adulterers.
Touching sic as are relapse the third tyme in any kinde of cryme, sic as fornication and drunkenness, it is statute and ordained, that no particular minister admitt sic persones to repentance, but to send them to the Superintendant of the diocie where the crymes are committed, with information, who shall give them sic injunctions as they think may make the offence to be holden in horror. But chiefly that they compell the offender to satisfie the Kirk where the offences were made moe dayes nor ane, as the Superintendant shall think good.