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The period of time referred to in this First Part of the Booke of the Kirk, extending from the year 1560 to the end of 1567, embraces the earliest era of its existence as a National Church, recognized in the first instance, and ultimately established by the law of the State; and it has been deemed expedient, in this special portion of the present publication, to annex the various acts of Privy Council and Parliament, applicable to that period, as an Appendix to the actings of the first fifteen General Assemblies of the Church, many of which bear reference to these enactments of the civil authorities. These civil and ecclesiastical proceedings throw mutual light on each other, and, conjoined, they afford the most satisfactory view of its progress from the time that it was first sanctioned, until it was finally settled and endowed as the Established Church of Scotland. During the period referred to, it can only be viewed as a tolerated Christian society, but partially countenanced by the State, and struggling to obtain a permanent place among the settled institutions of the land. Thenceforward it is to be regarded as one of the integral elements of the constitution, blended and united with the monarchy and the supreme authority of the State in the Legislature. And hence arises the propriety of thus conjoining the civil and ecclesiastical proceedings during this, the first epoch of its history as the Kirk of Scotland.
1560, Aug. 17.—The Confessioun of Faith professed, ratifiet, and approveit in Parliament.[7]
1560, Aug. 24.—Concerning the Jurisdictioun and Authoritie of the Bischope of Rome, called the Paip.
The thre Estaitis, then being present, vnderstanding that the jurisdictioune ande autoritie of the Bischope of Rome, callit the Paip, vsit within this realme in times bipast, hes bene verray hurtfull and preiudiciall to our Soueranis autoritie and commone weill of this realme: Thairfoir hes statute ande ordanit that the Bischope of Rome haif na jurisdictioun nor autoritie within this realme in tymes cuming. And that nane of oure saidis Soueranis subiects of this realme sute or desire in ony tyme heireftir title or rycht be the said Bischope of Rome, or his sait to ony thing within this realme, vnder the panis of Barratrye—that is to say, proscriptioune, banischement, and neuir to bruke honour, office nor dignitie within this realme. And the controvenaris heirof to be callit befoir the Justice or his Deputis, or before the Lordis of Sessioun, and pvnist thairfoir, conforme to the lawis of this realme. And the furnissaris of thame with fynance of money and purchessaris of thair title of rycht, or manteanaris or defendaris of thame, sall incur the same panis. Ande that na Bischop nor vther Prelat of this realme vse ony jurisdictioun in tymes to cum be the said Bischop of Romeis autoritie vnder the pane foirsaide.[8]
1560, August 24.—Anent the Abolition of Idolatrie, and all Actis contrair to the Confession of Faith publist in this Parliament.
Forsameikile as thair hes bene diuers and sindrie actis of Parliament maide in King James the first, secunde, thirde, ferde, and fyftis tymes, Kingis of Scotlande for the tyme, ande als in our Souerane Ladeis tyme, not aggreing with Goddis holie worde. And be thame diuers personis tuke occasioune of mantenance of idolatrie and superstitioune in the kirk of Gode, ande repressing of sic personis as were professouris of the said worde, quhairthrow diuers innocentis dide suffir; for eschewing of sic in time cuming, the thre Estaites of Parliament hes annullit ande declarit all sik actis maide in tymes bipast, not aggreing with Goddis worde, ande now contrair to the Confessioune of oure Fayth, according to the saide worde publist in this Parliament, to be of nane avale, force, nor effecte. And decernis the saidis actis and euery ane of thame to haue na effecte nor strenth in tyme to cum, bot the samyn to be abolishit and extincte for euir, insafer as ony of the saidis actis ar repugnant ande contrarie to the Confessioune and word of Gode foirsaidis, ratifiit ande apprevit be the saidis Estaitis in this present Parliament.[9]
1560, Aug. 24.—Anent the Abolitioun of the Messe.
Forasmeikle as Almichtie God, be his maist trew and blessit Word, hes declarit the reuerence and honor quhilk suld be gevin to him, and be his Sone Jesus Christ, hes declarit the trew vse of the sacraments, willing the same to be vsit according to his will and Word; Be the whilk it is notoure and perfitelie knawin that the sacramentis of baptisme, and of the body and blude of Jesus Chryst, hes bene in all tymes bipast corruptit be the papistical kirk and be their ministeris. And presentlie, notwithstanding the reformatioun already maid according to Goddis Word, ʒit, nottheless, thair is sum of the same papis kirk that stubbornlie perseueris in thair wickit idolatrie, sayand mess and baptizand, conforme to the papis kirk, prophanand thairthrow the sacramentis foirsaid in quiet and secreit places; regardand thairthrow nather God nor his holie Word. Thairfoir, it is statute and ordanit in this present Parliament, that na maner of persone or personis, in ony tymes cuming, administrat ony of the sacramentis foirsaids secreitlie, or in any vther maner of way bot thai that ar admittit, and havand power to that effect; and that na maner of personis say mess, nor ʒit heir mess, nor be present thairat, vnder the pane of confiscatioun of all thair guds, movable and vnmovable, and pvneissing of thair bodeis at the discretioun of the magistrat, within quhais jurisdictioun sik personis happynis to be apprehendit ffor the first falt, Banissing the realme for the second, Justifying to the deed for the third falt. And ordainis all shreffis, stewartis, baillies, and thair deputis, provestis and baillies of burrowis, and vtheris jugeis quhatsumever, within this realme, to tak diligent sute and inquisitioun within thair bounds, quhair any sik vsurpit ministrie is vsit, mess saying, or thai that beis present at the doing thairof: Ratifyand and approvand the samyn, and tak and apprehend thame, to the effect that the panis abovewritten may be execut vpoun thame.
1561, Dec. 22.—Act of Convention of Estates.
Sederunt apud Edinburgh, xxij. Decembris Anno lxjo.
The samyn day, forsamekle as the Quenis Majestie, be the advyse of the Lords of hir Secreit Counsale, foirseand the eminent truble quhilk appeirandlie wes to ryis amangis the lieges of hir realme for materis of religioun, to evaid the samyn, and to stay all inconuenientis that may follow thairupon, intercomonit with ane part of the clergie and stait ecclesiasticall, with quhome than ressoning being had, it was thot gude and expedient be hir hienes that ane generall conventioun suld be appointit the xv. day of December instant, quhairto the rest of that estate myt have repairit, and be the avise of the hale ane ressonable overture maid, and ordoure takin for staying of the apperand truble, and quieting of the hale countrey: Quhilk conuentioun being be her Maiestie appointit, and sindrie dayis of counsale keepit, and the said ecclesiasticall estait oftymes requirit that the said ordoure myt be takin, and overture maid, for staying of truble and quieting of the cuntrie: Last of all, in presence of the Quenis Maiestie and Lords of Counsale foirsaid, and vtheris of the nobilitie of this realme, comperit John, Archbischop of Sanct Androis, Robert, Bischop of Dunkeld, Patrick, Bischop of Murray, and Henry, Bischop of Ross, and, for thame selffs respectiue, offerit to the Quenis Grace to be content of thrie partis of the rentis of thair benefices, and the ferd part thairof to be employit as hir Grace thocht expedient. And becaus the certantie thairof was not knawin, nor zit quhat sowmes of money wald sufficientlie sustene the ministrie and ministeris of Goddis word within this realme, nor zit how mekle was necessar to support the Quenis Maiestie abone hir awin rent for the commoun effaris of the cuntrie: thairfoir it is concludit, decernit, and determit be the Quenis Grace, and Lords of Counsale foirsaids, and vtheris of the nobilitie present, that gif the ferd part of the fruits of the hale benefices ecclesiasticall within this realme may be sufficient to sustene the ministeris throw the hale realme, and support the Quenis Maiestie to interteny and sett fordwart the commone effaris of the cuntrie; ffelzeing thairof, the third part of the saids fruits or mair, quhill it be fund sufficient to the effect foirsaid, to be takin up zeirlie in tyme cuming, quhill ane generale ordoure be takin thairin, samekle thairof to be employit to the Quenis Majestie, for entertenying and setting fordwart of the commone effaris of the cuntre: And samekle thairof to the ministeris, and sustentatioun of the ministerie, as may ressonablie sustene the samyn, at the syt and discretioun of the Quenis Maiestie and Counsale foirsaid, and the excrescence and superplus to be assignit to the auld possessouris. And to that effect, that the rents and zeirlie avale of the hale benefices within this realme may be clearlie knawin to the Quenis Maiestie and Counsale foirsaids, it is STATUTE and ORDANIT that the hale rentalis of all benefices within this realme be producit befoir hir grace and lords foirsaid, at the tymes vnderwritten; that is to say, of the benefices on this syde of the month,[10] the xxiiij day of Januar nixtocum, and bezound the month, the x day of Februar next thairafter. And ordainis letters to be direct to officiaris of the Quenis shreffis in that part, to pass, charge, and require, all and sindrie archbischoppis, bischoppis, abbottis, commendatoris, and prioris of this realme, on this syde of the month, personale, gif thai can be apprehendit, and failzeing thairof, at the saids archbischoppis, bischoppis, abbottis, commendataris, and prioris duelling places, cathedrale kirkis, or abbayis, and all denis, archidenis, subdenis, chantoris, subchantoris, prouestis, personis, vicaris, ... beneficit men, thair chalmerlanis and factoris, personalie or at their duelling places, or at thair parroche kirkis, quhair they suld remane, to exhibit and produce befoir the Quenis Maiestie, and lords foirsaids, the said xxiiij day of Januar nixtocum, the just and trew rentale of the avale and rentis of thair benefices, to the effect foirsaid; and to charge the prelattis and vtheris beneficit men on the zond syde of the month, in maner respectiue foirsaid, to produce the just and trew rentale of their benefices befoir the Quenis Grace and lords foirsaids, the said x day of Februar nixtocum, to the effect above rehersit; wt. certificatioun to thame that failzies, the Quenis Grace and Counsale will proceid heirin as accordis: And sicklyke to charge the hale superintendentis, ministeris, eldaris, and deaconis of the principale townis and schiris of this realme, to gif in befoir the Quenis Grace and Lordis of Counsale foirsaids, the said xxiiij day of Januar nixtocum, ane formale and sufficient roll and memoriall quhat may be sufficient and ressonable to sustene the ministrie and hale ministeris of the realme, that her Maiestie and Lords of Counsale foresaids may tak order thairintill as accords: And forder, that the Quen’s Maiestie and Lordis of Counsale foirsaids ryplie and digestlie wey and considder quhat necessar support is requirit to be takin zierlie of the frutis of the saids benefices, by her Grace’s avn zeirlie rent to interteny and sett fordwart the commone effairis of the cuntrie agane the said xxiiij day of Januar nixtocum, that than it may be procedit in the said mater, all parties be satisfeit, and the hale cuntrie and lieges thereof set in quietnes.[11]
1567, April 19.—Act concerning the Religion.
The quhilk day the Quenis Maiestie having considerit the estait of hir Majestie’s realme that it stude at the tyme of hir arryvale furth of France, and yet presentlie standis at, foirseing alssua the common weill of hir cuntrie gretumlie to be incressit and establishit be the keiping of the commone peax and quietnes amangis all her gud subiectis. And like as hir Hienes sen hir foirsaid arryvall hes attemptit na thing contrar the estait of religioune, quhilk hir Maiestie fand publictlie and vniuersallie standing at hir arryvale foirsaid, quhairby hir Maiestie is maist worthy to be seruit, honourit, and obeyit; richtswa hir Hienes intendis to continew in the samyne gudnes and gouernment in all tyme cuming, quhairby all her gud subiectis, professouris of the religion foirsaide, sall haif occasioune to praise God for her gud, happye and gratius gouernement, and to crave of God from the boddum of thair harttis, that he wald of his infinite gudnes to prosper and blis her Maiestie, and hir posteritie, with lang lyf, gud and happye gouernment, to reull and regnne ouer thame. And to the effect alssua that all hir Hienes gud subiectis, professouris of the said religioune, may assure thame selfis to be in full suretie thairof, and of thair landis, lyves, benefices, offices, dignities, jurisdictionis, priuileges, gudis, fame, and honouris in time cuming, and with the better will, jeopard and hasard thair lyves and gudis in hir Hienes seruice aganis all inymeis to hir Maiestie and to the commone weill of this realme at all tymes neidful, as thair predecessouris hes maist frankly done heirtofore, and that withowt feir of ony pane, punishment, tynsell of landis, benefices and gudis, for professing, exerceing, and vsing of the said religioune in tymes bygane, and to cum, to be impute vnto thame or thair airis, nochtwithstanding ony lawis, actis and constitutionis, and canone, ciuile or municipale, or vther quhatsumeuir ordinance heirtofoir institute in the contrar. And for thair greter suretie foirsaid, OUR SAID SOUERANE, with the awyss of the haill thre Estait of Perliament, hes thocht neidful and convenient to dispenss, cass, abrogat and annull, like as hir Maiestie presentlie dispenssis, cassis, abrogattis and annullis all and quhatsumeuir lawis, actis and constitutionis, canone, ciuile or municipale, with all vther constitutionis and practick penale introducit contrar to the foirsaid religioune and professouris of the samyne; and ordains thame and thair posteritie in all tymes to cum, to be fre and exemit from all pane corporall, infame, reproche, depryving from benefices, dignitie or offices, or vther cryme or pane quhatsumeuir that may be incurrit or impute to thame be vertew of the saidis actis, lawis, ordinances, canone, ciuil or municipale, and practik, for contravening of the samyne, renunceand the samyne and strenth thairof in favouris of our saidis subiectis to the effect foirsaid. And siclike the Quenis Maiestie of her auctoritie royall granttit to hir be God, with the awyss of the thre Estatis foirsaidis, takis to hir self and hir posteritie, all hir gude subiectis, thair benefices, landis, offices, guidis, and honouris, to be vnder hir sure salfgard, mantenance, protectioune, and defence perpetuallie, aganis quhatsumeuir foirane auctoritie, pouer, jurisdictioune, and persute, be it ecclesiasticall or temporall. Exemand hir foirsaidis subiectis from all compeirance, summonding, or obedience pretendit or to be pretendit, heirafter agains thame for the caussis foirsaidis, be quhatsumeuir foirane persoune or vther pretendand jurisdictioune or auctoritie throw thame; willing hir subiectis to duell in perpetuall securitie and quietness within this realme, be making of thair maist humbill and faithfull obedience to hir Hienes and hir posteritie in all tymes coming heirafter allenerlie. Like as also hir Maiestie, God willing, heireafter in tyme convenient sall tak forther ordour, in all vther poinctis, concerning the estait of religioune, as may best serue for the glorie of God, commone weill of this realme, and continewing of commone peax and quietnes vniversallie amangis all hir subiectes: Commanding thame, and euerie ane of thame, in all tymes heirefter, to keep mutuale, perfyte and maist hartlie kyndnes, luiff, friendschip, and nychtboureheide, ilk ane to vtheris, vnder all hieast pane and charge, that heirefter may follow, for breaking of this present act of Parliament and her Maiestie’s lauchful commandment.[12]
Articles presentit in Parliament, treatit and proponit be certane Baronis, Commissaris of Burrowis, and Ministeres, at Edinburgh.—Decr. 1-6, 1567.[13]
In Parliamento, apud Edin. xv. die Decembris, A. D. M.D.LXVII.
Articlis to be presentit in Parliament.
Johne Erskin of Dvn, ...
Williame Lislie of ...
Symone Prestoun of ...
Williame Dowglass ...
Ministeris—Maist ...
Johne ...
It is thocht expedient be this present assemble that thair be adjoinit vnto them, in treating of the thingis concernning the kirkis, thir personis vnderwrittin, to wit, Maister Johne Spottiswod, Maister Johne Craig, Johne Knox, Maister Johne Row, and Maister Dauid Lindesay, or any thre or fowre of thame. And als the Baronis present, thinkis thame owir small ane nowmer to gif judgement in this actioun, and thairfoir desyris to be adioynit to the ... sick as my Lord Regent and Lordis of Secreit Counsale sall think neidf ... And alsua for keping of ane certane ordoure in performing of the ... actioun, it is thocht gude be the Baronis and Commissionaris presentlie convenit ... thai convenit in the Provestis lugeing of Edinburgh, at xj houris befoir none, and to remane thar quhill foure houris efter none, and this ... done ilk day quhill the performyng thairof, and gif it sall happen ... thame to failze herein, he sall be put in the mendis of vs. to be distribu-
... pure at the sight of the remanent. And this to be
... Prestoun of that Ilk to my Lord Regent and Secret
... be him thairof, the ...
... secundo Decembris 1567.
... erunt.
... ... lquhane
... that ilk
... of Quhittinghame
Provest of Aberdeene
Maister Johne Preston, }
Ja. Barron, } for Edr. Patrick Murray for Perth. Richard Blyth for Dundee. Maister Johne Spottiswod. Johne Knox. Maister David Lindesay—Juratus, &c.
... hay, Clerk of the Secreit Counsale, and reportit ansr in ... vm to the provist of edinburt ʒisterday tueching the ... ble of certane ma baronis, with certane ministeris, ... as suld happin to be proponit, &c. with commissioun, and ... and commissioners already convenit to begin and proceed and c ... lowis: Apud edinburt secundo die mensis decembris ... fforsamekle as my Lord Regent, with avyss ... Counsale, wrait to certane baronis and Commissrs ... in edinburt the xxij day of Nouember lastbipast past ... the materis to be concludit in the parliament approacheand proacheand ... the quhilk commissrs and baronis divers ar ʒet absent, Quhairthrow large tyme is spent and nothing as ʒit done: Thairfoir, my Lord regent, with avyss of the lords of secreit Counsale, ordanis samony of the baronis and commissaris as ar already convenit to begin and proceed in the materis proponit before thame, Or to be Inwentit and fund out be thame selffis. And that in the place of Walter Lundy of that Ilk thai resaue and admitt amanges thame, Maister Williame Lundy his sone and appearand air, likewyise thomas Scott of abbottishall, And that they elect and nominat twa or thre ma quhilkis are present in this toun maist godlie and of gretaist experience in politique effares quhilkis sal be commandit to adioyne with thame and assist thame. And that Maister Johne Spottiswod, Johne Knox, Maister Johne Craig, Maister Johne Row, and Maister David Lindesay, ministeris, or any foure or thre of thame, be alsua present, and adioynit to the saids Baronis and Commissioners of burrowes in debatting, and treating, and ressoning of the materis to be proponit concerning the estat of the Kirk. Sic subscribitur de mandato domini Regentis et dominorum Secreti Concilii, &c., Alexander Hay.
Followis certane articlis proponit [be the saidis ministers[14]] concerning the effares of the Kirk, with the said Assemblie’s declarationis thairupon.
First, That the parliament haldin ... [declarit] be act of this present parliament ... parliament, and that all thingis thairin concludit co- ... may be of new ratifiit and confirmit, Alsweil, the Confessio- ... fayth then red reasonit, and be publict voit of that parliament ... As the act pronouncit agains the vsurpit Jurisdictioun of the Paip- ... the Mess, and the abolischement of the former wickit actis; The tennor quhair of followes:—
Apprevit (on margin.)
The ... for abolishing the pape.
(The Acts 1560 recited.)
And becaus that lawis quhilk ar not cleir are often tymes occasioun of discord, We maist humilie desire that, for avoyding all debait, dout, and question that eyther may aryiss for the validitie and strenth of that parliament, as for the interpretatioun of the saids ... present parliament pronounce and declare first,
First Article.
That the ministeris of the blessit evangill of Jesus Chryst, quh ... God of his mercy hes now rasit vp amangis ws, or heirefter sall ... aggreing with thame that now leif in doctrine and administratioun of the sacramentis, and that part of the people of this realme that professis Jesus Chryst, as now he is offerit in his evangell, and do commvnicat with his holie sacramentis (as in our reformit kirkis thai are publictlie ministrat) may be declarit the only trew Kirk of Jesus Chryst within this realme; And that all and sindrie quha outher gaynsay the word of the evangell, as it is now preachit, and of ws ressauit and approvit as the heids of the Confessioun of our Fayth mair particularlie do express, or that ʒit refuses the participatioun of the halie sacramentis as now thai are ministrat, Be decernit na memberis of the kirk, within this realme, sa lang as thai keip thame selfis so dividit from the societie of Chrystis body.
2. Farther, we craiff, that na personis reclaimyng to the religioun, or that do not profess it with ws in all pointis, be permittit to enioy benefice or proffitt quhatsumevir vnder the title of ecclesiastical functioun, Notwithstanding title, possession or intrusioun quhatsumeuer thai haue had or may claime to haue, be the paip, that remane antichrist.
Apprevit (on margin.)
3. That to this oure kirk foirsaid be grantit, and be this present Parliament confirmit, sick fredome, priuiledge, jurisdictioun, and autoritie, as justly apertene to the trew kirk, and immaculat spous of Jesus Chryst. And that na vther face of a kirk nor vther face of religioun (than presentlie be Goddis fauor, we haue establissit within this realme) be permittit. And that na jurisdictioun ecclesiasticall be acknowlagit within this realme, vther than that quhilk as salbe within our kirk, or that flowis fra the same.
Apprevit.—[Bot desyris the jurisdictioun of the Kirk to be ... and certane of the previe counsale to be appointit be my Lord Regent to the limitatioun thairof.]
4. That the examinatioun and admissioun of ministeris within his realme be onlie in power of oure Kirk; the presentatioun resseruit to the just and aunceant patronis. The patrone presentand a qualifiit persone within thre monethis, or vtherwyiss the Kirk to haue power to dispone, alwayis to a qualifiit persone.
5. That all benefices having charge of saulis given be the Quene or ony vtheris, sen the foirsaid Parliament, otherwyiss then be the ordoure of the Buke of Discipline is appointit, may be decernit to vaik. And that the patronis may haue priuilege to present de novo, personis qualifiit and hable, sua that the Kirk may be deliuerit frome vnproffitable pastors.
Apud Edinburt, tertio Decembris 1567.
Barones. | ||
Johne Erskine of Dvn. | Provist of Aberdene. | |
Williame Lesslie of Balquhane. | Patrick Murray, for Perth. | |
Craigmyllar. | Mr Johne Prestoun, } for Edr. | |
Quhittinghame, | James Barroun, } | |
{ Abbotishall, | Richard Blyth, for Dunde. | |
{ George Stratoun of | Thomas Monypenny, for Perth. | |
{ Lawrestoun. | Dauid Mar, for Aberdene. | |
Jurati | { Robert Fairlie of Braid. | |
{ Robert Campbell of | ||
{ Kingʒeaclewch. |
Maister Johne Spottiswod. | |
Johne Knox. | |
Ministers— | Maister Johne Craig. |
Maister Dauid Lindsay. |
Followis vther Articlis concerning the Kirk.
6. That ordoure may be takin for all abbacyis, alsweill for the present as for tymes to cum, As als for benefices and kirkis annexat, and dissolutioun to be maid thairof, and ane act to be maid thereupon.
Findis, Separatioun to be maid To witt the teinds to pertene to the Kirk, and the temporale landis to be disponit be avyiss of the thre estaitis in Parliament.
7. That ordoure may be takin for sik as profess ... and haif the patrimony of the Kirk in thair hands, and ... thair dewtie to thair flok.
It is thocht expedient that sick as ar fund qualifiet be the jugement of the Kirk, sall exerce their avne office in thair awin kirk, and vtheris not qualifiit, sall pay the third of thair benefice for sustentatioun of the ministrie during thair tymes.
8. That ordoure may be takin wt sick as haif pluralitie of benefices.
Ane persone beneficit, being qualifiit, shall preche him self at ane of his kirks, and sall sustene the ministeris of the remanent, at the syt of the generale kirk, And the unqualifiit, to pay his third of the hale, Admittand na pluralitie in tyme cuming.
9. That prouisioun may be maid for instructioun of the zouth, for sustentatioun of the pure, and for sum releif to the lauboraris of the ground, especiallie for the relief in leiding of thair teinds.
Answer to the first part of this article, That the lands of prebendaris of college kirkis in landwart be erectit for sustentatioun of bursaris, And referris the vther tua heids to the estaitis in Parliament.
10. That [ordoure may be takin that] nane enter in the functioun of ministrie, nether be retenit within the samyn, bot sik as salbe fund qualifiit, and of honest conversatioun.
Leif this. Referris this to the Generale Assemble of the Kirk.
11. That Superintendentis be appointit quhair need requiris, and that ordoure be prouidit how thai salbe obeyit in thair office, and how thai salbe hable to serue in the same.
Referris the nowmer of the Superintendentis to the roll maid thairupoun, And the office and jurisdictioun of the Superintendent to be authorizat be the estatis in parliament.
12. That ordoure may be takin, how that the pure ministeris, quha lang hes bene defraudit of thair just stipendis, may not onlie be prouidit heirefter for a sufficient leving, Bot also that thai may vnderstand how thai may lift vp the same be ourdour of law, and quhat redres thai sall haif for the bipast, and how thai salbe prouidit in the present. And, becaus all thir heids require deliberatioun, we offer owre selfis to communicat wt. your L. as God sall communicat wt. ws.
It is thocht neidfull that, quhill the Kirk be put in full possessioun of the hale patrimony, the hale thriddis be assignit to the ministrie, and thai to vptak the samyn be thame selfis and thair collectors, and all v ... to be dischargeit thairfra ... and Counsale ... find sum meane ... dettis ellis.
13. That the act of Parliament concerning the mansses and gleibis may be maid so sensible, that the iniust possessouris find na cauilatiounis to defraude the pure ministeris of thair ryt. and of the peaceable possessioun of that quhilk justlie appertainis thairto.
It is fund that the best manss sall pertene to the minister with the hale gleib, Providing the said gleib exceed not vj aikiris of land; And, gif the samyn be mair, the minister sall be content onlie with vi aikiris thairof nixt adiacent to the manss; And, gif the samyn be within vi aikiris, he sall lykewise content him thairwith.
14. That the act for pvnishment of adulterie may be maid sa cleir, that the offendaris delude not the law be the ambiguitie thairof.
Desyris this act to be clerit be the thre Estaits in Parliament.
14. That na man beir publict office of jugement within this realme bot sik as professis the puritie of religioun with ws; that nane be permittit to procure to be admittit in notar, or creat in member of court, without he likewyis profes the Evangell wt. ws.
Aggreit wt.
15. It is thocht gude ffor stancheing of cumer and trouble within burrowis in tyme cumin, that nane of the inhabitantis thairof frathyne furth, mak convocatioun within the samyn, or put thameselfis in armes, without express command ayther of the autoritie, provest or baillies thairof, under sik panis as the thre Estaits in Parliament sall think gude.
Apprevit. And referris the pane to be modifiit be the Estaits in Parliament.
16. Item, That all scoles, alsweill to burt. as land, and colleges be reformit, and that nane be permittit nor admittit to haue charge thairof, or to instruct the ʒouth priualie or publicklie, bot sic as ar, or salbe tryit be the Superintendint and visitators of the Kirk, and admittit be thame to thair charges.
17. Item, That the ordinances maid for keping of the Saboth day, the pvnishment of fornicatioun, adulterie, incest, swering and banyng, be ratifiit in this present parliament, and jugis appointit for executioun thairof, quhair nane is.
18. Item, That the act of parliament, maid in King James the ... tyme, towart the ordouring of the pure within thair avne parochin be de novo ratifiit, and thaireeftir be decernit to be put in executioun.
19. Item, It is fund expedient that the act maid, tueching the reparatioun of kirkis be ratifiit and ordainit to be put to executioun ... is.
Acta. Decr. 20, 1567.
5. Anent the Messe abolischit and punisching of all that heiris or sayis the samin.
Item, Our Souerane Lord, with auise of his derrest Regent and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, ratifyis and appreuis the act vnderwrittin, maid in the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of August, the ʒier of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir ʒieris. And of new, in this present Parliament, statutis and ordainis the said Act to be as ane perpetuall Law to all our Souerane Lordis lieges in all tymes to cum. Of the quhilk the tennour followis. [As already inserted at p. 76.]
6. Anent the trew and haly Kirk, and of thame that are declarit not to be of the samin.
Item, Forsamekle as the Ministeris of the blissit Euangell of Jesus Christ, quhome God of his mercie hes now rasit vp amangis vs, or heirefter sall rais aggreing with thame that now liues, in doctrine and administratioun of the Sacramentis, and the pepill of this realme that professis Christ as he now is offerit in his Euangell, and do communicat with the holy sacramentis, (as in the reformit Kirkis of this Realme ar publicklie administrat,) according to the Confessioun of the faith, Our Souerane Lord, with auise of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this present parliament, hes declarit and declaris the foirsaid Kirk to be the onlie trew and holy Kirk of Jesus Christ within this realme, and decernis and declaris that all and sindrie quha outher gainsayis the word of the Euangell ressauit and appreuit as the heides of the Confessioun professit in parliament of befoir, in the ʒeir of God 1560 ʒeirs, as alswa specifiet in the actis of this parliament mair particularlie dois expres, and now ratifyit and appreuit in this present parliament, or that refusis the participatioun of the holy sacramentis as thay ar now ministrat, to be na memberis of the said Kirk within this realme now presently professit, swa lang as thay keip thame selfis sa deuydit fra the societie of Christis body.
7. Anent the Admissioun of thame that salbe presentit to Benefices hauand cure of Ministrie.
Item, It is statute and ordained, by our Soveraine Lord, with advise of his dearest Regent, and three Estaitis of this present Parliament, that the examination and admission of Ministers, within this Realme, be only in the power of the Kirk, now openlie and publickly professed within the samin. The presentation of laick Patronages alwaies reserved to the Just and auncient Patrones. And that the Patroun present ane qualified persoun, within sex Monethes (after it may cum to his knawledge, of the decease of him quha bruiked the Benefice of before) to the Superintendent of thay partis, quhar the Benefice lyes, or uthers havand commission of the Kirk to that effect; utherwaies the Kirk to have power to dispone the samin to ane qualifyed person for that time.
Providing that in caice the Patron present ane person qualified to his understanding, and failzeing of ane, ane uther within the said six Moneths, and the said Superintendent or Commissioner of the Kirk, refusis to receive and admit the person presented be the Patron, as said is: It sall be lesum to the Patron to appeale to the Superintendent, and Ministers of that province quhair the Benefice lyis, and desire the person presented to be admitted, quhilk gif they refuse, to appeale to the General Assemblie of the haill realme, be quhome the cause beand decyded, sall take end, as they decerne and declair.
8. Anent the Kingis Aith to be giuen at his Coronatioun.
Item, Because that the incres of vertew, and suppressing of idolatrie, crauis that the Prince and the peple be of ane perfyte religioun, quhilk of Goddis mercie is now presentlie professit within this realme; Thairfoir it is statute and ordainit, be our Souerane Lord, my Lord Regent, and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, that all Kingis, and Princes, or Magistratis quhatsumeuir, halding thair place, quhilkis heirefter in ony tyme sall happen to regne, and beir reule ouer this realme, at the tyme of thair coronatioun, and ressait of thair princely authoritie, mak thair faithfull promise, be aith, in presence of the Eternall God, That induring the haill cours of their lyfe, thay sall serue the samin Eternall God, to the vttermaist of thair power, according as he hes requyrit in his maist haly word, reuelit, and contenit in the New and Auld Testamentis; and according to the samin word sall mantene the trew religioun of Jesus Christ, the preicheing of his haly word, and dew and richt ministratioun of the sacramentis now ressaifit and preichit within this realme. And sall abolische and gainstand all fals religioun contrare to the samin: And sall reule the pepil committit to thair charge, according to the will and command of God, reuelit in his foirsaid word, and according to the louabill lawis and constitutionis ressaifit in this realme, nawyse repugnant to the said word of the Eternall God. And sall procure to the vttermaist of thair power, to the Kirk of God, and haill Cristiane pepil, trew and perfyte peice in all tyme cuming. The rychtis and rentis, with all the iust priuilegeis, of the Crowne of Scotland to preserue and keip inuiolatit, nouther sall thay transfer nor alienat the samin. Thay sall forbid and repres in all estatis and degreis, reif oppressioun, and all kynde of wrang. In all jugementis, they sall command and procure that justice and equitie be keipit in all creatures, without exceptioun, as the Lord and Father of all mercyis be mercifull to thame. And out of their landis and empyre they salbe cairfull to ruite out all heretykis and enemeis to the trew worschip of God, that salbe conuict be the trew Kirk of God of the foirsaidis crymis. And that they sall faithfullie affirme the thingis aboue writtin be their solempnit aith.[15]
10. Anent thriddis of benefices grantit in the moneth of December, the ʒeir of God 1561 ʒeiris, for sustening of the Ministeris and vther effaires of the Prince.
Item, Because the ministeris hese bene lang defraudit of thair stipendis, swa that thay ar becumin in greit pouertie and necessitie And notwithstanding hes continewit in thair vocatioun without payment of their stipendis, be ane greit space, Quhairthrow thay ar and salbe constranit to leif thair vocatioun, without remeid be prouydit; Thairfoir our Souerane Lord with auise of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, hes statute and ordanit, that the hail thriddis of the hail benefices of this realme, sall now instantlie and in all tymes to cum, first be payit to the ministeris of the euangell of Jesus Christ and thair successouris, and ordainis the Lordis of the Sessioun, to grant and gif letteris, charging all and sindrie intrometteris, or that beis addettit in payment of the samin, to answer and obey to the saidis ministeris and their collectouris to be nominat be the saids ministeris, with auise of my Lord Regent, in forme as effeiris, notwithstanding ony discharge geuen be our Souerane Lordis mother, to quhatsumeuer person or personis, of the saidis thriddis, or ony pairt thairof, ay and quhill the Kirk cum to the full possessioun of thair propir patrimonie, quhilk is the teindis; Prouyding alwayis that the collectouris of the saidis ministeris, mak ʒeirlie compt in the Chakker, of thair intromissioun, swa that the ministeris may be first answerit of thair stipendis appertening to euerie ane of thame. And the rest and superplus to be applyit to our Souerane Lordis vse.
11. Anent thame that salbe teacheris of the ʒouth in sculis.
[By this act it is “Statute and ordanit that all sculis to burgh and land, and all vniversities and collegis be reformit; and that nane be permittit nor admittit to haue charge and cure thairof in tyme cuming, nor to instruct the ʒouth priuatlie or oppinlie, bot sic as salbe tryit be the Superintendentis or visitouris of the Kirk.”]
12. Anent the iurisdictioun of the Kirk.
Item, Anent the Artickle proponit and geuin in be the Kirk to my Lord Regent and the thre Estatis of this present Parliament, anent the iurisdictioun iustlie apperteining to the trew Kirk and immaculat spous of Jesus Christ, to be declarit and expressit as the artickle at mair lenth is consauit: The Kingis Grace, with auise of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, hes declarit and grantit iurisdictioun to the said Kirk: quhilk consistis and standis, in preiching of the trew word of Jesus Christ, correctioun of maneris, and administratioun of haly sacramentis. And declaris, that thair is na vther face of Kirk nor vther face of Religioun, than is presentlie be the fauor of God establischeit within this Realme, And that thair be na vther jurisdictioun ecclesiasticall acknawlegit within this Realme, vther than that quhilk is and salbe within the same Kirk, or that quhilk flowis thairfra concerning the premisses; and forther, our Souerane Lord, with auise of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis foirsaidis, lies geuein and geuis power and commissioun to Schir James Balfour of Pittindreich, Knycht; Priour of Pittinweeme; Mark, Commendatour of Newbottill, Johne Priour of Coldinghame; Lord Preuie Seal Maister James Mackgill of Rankillour Nether, Clerk of Register; William Maitland, ʒounger of Lethingtoun, secretar to our Souerane Lord; Schir Johne Bellenden of Auchinoull, Knycht, Justice Clerk; Johne Erskine of Dune; Maister Johne Spottiswod, Superintendent of Lowthiane; Johne Knox; Maister Johne Craig; and Maister Dauid Lindesay, Ministeris of the worde of God, To seirche furth mair speciallie, and to considder, quhat vther speciall pointis or clausis sould appertene to the iurisdictioun, priuilege, and authoritie of the said Kirk, and to declair thair myndis thairanentis to my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this Realme at the nixt Parliament, Swa that thay may tak ordour thairintill, and authories the samin be act of Parliament, as salbe fund aggreabill to the word of God.
31. Anent priuilegeis grantit to Kirkmen.
Item, Our Souerane Lord, with auise and consent of my Lord Regent and thre Estatis of this present Parliament, hes ratifyit and ratifyis all ciuile priuilegis grantit and geuin be our Souerane Lordis predecessouris, to the spiritual estate of this Realme, in all pointis efter the forme and tennour thairof.
Provisioun for Sustentatioun of the Ministeris in Burrowis.
Apud Striviling decimo die mensis Januarii anno 1m. vc. lxvj.
Sederunt domini ut in die predict.
The quhilk day the Quenis Majestie and Lordis of Secreit Counsall, being weill myndit that the Ministerie within this haill realme be interteneit alsweill to burgh and land as hir Majestie fand the samyn at hir arryvall in Scotland, and becaus the haill Lordis of Secreit Counsall may nocht weill vaik at all tymes for the ordouring thairof, being occupiit with utheris wechtie materis; Thairfoir her hienes, with avyise of her Counsall foirsaid, hes constitute and namyt her lovittis underwrittin, my Lordis Huntly, Chancellar, Ergyle, Murray, Bothwell, Atholl, Cassillis, Craufurde, and Mar, my Lordis Bischopis of Galloway, Roise, and Orknay, my Lord Secretare, Maister Johnne Spens of Condy, advocat, Sir Johnne Bellenden, Justice Clerk, Sir James Balfour, Clerk of Register, and David Fores, generall of the Cunziehous, to quhome, be thir presentis, the Quenis grace and hir Counsale foirsaid, gevis thair full power and commissioun, or to ony fyve or sex of thame, to call before thame the haill burghis of this realme, generallie or particularlie, as thai, or ony fyve or sex of thame, sall think expedient. And to consider the habiliteis of the saidis burghis particularlie, and according thairto to appoint and imputt particular taxatioun or impositioun upoun everie burgh yeirlie, to be gadderit and upliftit for sustentatioun of the said ministerie, be thameselffis, thair collectouris or chalmerlanis, as the saidis Commissionaris, or ony fyve or sex of thame, sall think expedient, as thai will ansuer to God and the Quenis Majestie thairupoun. And quhatsumevir the saidis Commissionaris, or ony fyve or sex of thame, sall do in thir premises, the samyn to haif the lyke force and effect as gif the samyn wer done in plane counsall: And letteris to be direct thairupoun as effeires, as the said ministerie and thair collectouris will requeir. And alswa for relief of the saidis burghis, the Quenis grace, with advyise of her Counsall foirsaid, be thir presentis, gevis and grantis to the saidis burghis, and everie ane of thame, the annuellis of alteragis chapellanereis and obittis within the samyn, quhairevir the samyn salhappin to vaik, be the deceise of the possessouris thairof, or utherweyis hes happynnit to vaik, sen the Quenis grace arryvall in Scotland, quhilkis as yit remanis ungevin or distributit to ony persoun; and that to relief the taxatioun and contributioun foirsaid. And the superplus of the saidis annuellis and obittis, gif ony beis, to be distributit to the pouer and hospitallis of everie burgh within thameselffis, be avyise of the minister and eldaris thairof, as thai will ansuer to the maist heast thairupoun. And letteris to be directit be the Lordis of Secreit Counsall and Sessioun, as thai salbe requirit, for publicatioun of thir premissis.
Small Benefices for Ministers.
Apud Edinburgh tertio die mensis Octobris
Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo lxvjo
The quhilk day Forsamekill as the King and Quenis Majesteis hes understand and considderit that the Ministeris stipendis quhilkis necessarlie mon be payit furth of the thridis of the benefices extendis to sic a sowme that the saidis thridis is nocht abill bayth to sustene the chargeis of thair Majesteis hous attour the rent of thair propirtie, as alswa to sustene the saidis ministeris. And eftir gude deliberatioun takin how thai may be sustenit with leist chargeis and expensis Thair Hienessis hes fund it maist convenient and als with avyise of the Lordis of thair Secreit Counsall Statutis and Ordanis, that in tyme cuming all small benefices personages vicarages and utheris extending in yeirlie rentall to the soume of thre hundreth markis or within as thai salhappin to vaik Sall alwayis be disponit to sic personages as the Superintendentis and Assemblie of the kirk eftir dew examinatioun sall find abill qualifiit and sufficient And thaireftir nominat and present to their Majesteis quhilkis being sa nominat and presentit Thair Hienessis sall admit thame and be thair authoritie caus thame be ansuerit of the frutis and dewiteis of the saidis benefices: Attour quhensoevir ony bischoprik abbacie pryorie or uther prelacie that hes the patronage of sic small benefices salhappen to vaik and fall to thair Majesties dispositioun and presentatioun as likewyise of all thame that ar presentlie vacand Thair Hienessis promittis in verbo Principum That thai sall alwayis retene in thair awin handis the power and titill of the dispositioun of the saidis small benefices to the effect abonewrittin And sall caus the personis to quhome thair Majesteis disponis the saidis prelaciis and greit benefices Consent thairto befoir thair Majesteis mak ony rycht of the principall to thame And in caise it sall happin thair Majesteis ignorantlie or utherwayis to gif or dispone ony of the saidis small benefices be gift presentatioun or utherwayis contrair this present act and ordnance and ony wayis prejudiciall to the samyn Thair Majesteis expressitlie commandis thair Comptrollar present and tocum his clerk and collectouris the keparis of the signet previe seill and greit seill and all utheris thair Hienessis officiaris liegis and subdittis That they on na wayis admit allow obtempir or obey ony sic gift or presentatioun or to pas the samyn throw the seillis Or grant letteris in the four formes thairupoun bot to hald repute and esteme thame as previe writtingis purchest in defraud and prejudice of this present lovabill act and publict ordinance Notwithstanding ony charge or command gevin or to be gevin in the contrair quhairunto thir presentis sall serve thame for a sufficient warrand And sicklike thair Majesteis ordanis and requiris the Lordis of Counsall and Sessioun on na wayis to admit allow or attend to ony gift provisioun or presentatioun of quhatsumevir small benefice of the valu abonewrittin disponit be thair Majesties Or utherwayis quhair the samyn is repugnant or contrarious to this present act and ordinance And nocht disponit to qualifit personis apt for the ministerie examinat and admittit be the Superintendentis and kirk in maner foirsaid And that letteris be direct for publicatioun heirof in due forme as efferis.
20 Decr. 1566.
Forsamekill as the Ministeris within our realme this haill ʒeir bigane hes wantit thair stipendis in respect of sindry occasionis that hes interuenit; ʒit becaus we ar myndit and weill willit that the said Ministerie be sustenit and interteneit in tyme cuming as efferis; Thairfoir with avyise of oure secreit counsale hes tane sic ordour as we mycht best for the present, And hes assignit for sustentatioun of the said Ministerie certane victuales and money in sindry places and cuntreis to be tane up and disponit be the said ministerie and thair collectouris or chamberlanis as thai sall think maist expedient Extending to the soume of ten thousand pundis money and four hundreth chalderis victuale As the particular assignationis maid thairupoun mair fullelie proportis We thairfoir be avyise of our counsall foirsadis Ordanis and Decernis that the said ministerie and thair collectouris and chalmerlanis quhatsumevir be thankfullie ansureit and obeyit of the haill payment alsweill of money as victuale foirsaid throuchout oure haill realme quhairsoevir the samyn or ony part thairof is assinit And lettris thairupoun to be decernit and gevin furth owther of horning or poinding respective As the said ministerie sall think expedient and requeir Commanding expresslie oure Clerk of Register and Comptroller and all utheris quhome it efferis or salbe requirit thairto To deliver the attentik copyis and extract of the said assignatioun to the ministerie with expres inhibitioun to our Comptrollar or ony uther Chamberlanies to intromet or mell ony maner of way with the saidis assignationis or ony part thairof under all heich panis that may follow thairupoun Subscrivit with our hand At Strivling the xx day of December the ʒeir of God Im Vc lxvj ʒeris And our regnne the xxiiij ʒeir.
Apud Striviling xxj Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo lxvj.
The Lordis of Secreit Counsale hes sene and considderit the Quenis Majesties writting within writtin And findis the samyn ressonabill and convenient And thairfoir according to our Soveranis will and mynd within declarit Ordanis and requiris the Comptrollar and Clerk of Register To deliver the attentik copyis and extract of the assignationis within specifiit to the Ministeris And sicklike Ordanis and requiris the Lordis of Counsale and Sessioun to grant letteris in the four formes with inhibitioun as is within desyrit And the Comptrollar present and tocum to consent thairto upoun the saidis assignationis in generall or particular as salbe desyrit in dew forme as efferis.
Act in favour of the Ministerie of Glasgw.
Apud Edinburgh vij Maij Anno Domini 1m. vc. lxvij.
Georgius Comes de Huntlie
Adam episcopus Orchadensis
Alexander episcopus Candidecase
Clericus Justiciarie
Clericus Registri.
Anent our Soverane Ladiis lettris rasit at the instance of the superintendentis ministeris eldaris and deaconis of the kirk of God with in this realme makand mentioun That quhair oure Soverane Ladie being zealous to have the ministerie sustenit alsweill within burrowis as to landwart throw hir haill realme hes assignit be the self and separat a certane partis of the thridis of benefices to that effect And als for the relief of the taxatioun and contributioun to be gadderit and upliftit within everie burgh hes grantit and disponit to the same effect and purpois all annuellis rentis of alteragis chapellaneriis obittis and sic utheris within burrowis As ane act maid be hir Majestie with avyise of hir secreit counsale thairupoun at mair lenth beris Quhairby it is ordanit that the Provest baillies and counsale of ilk burgh sall compeir befoir certane Lordis of hir hienes secreit counsale To heir and se ane taxatioun and contributioun modifiit set and imput be thame Or ony sex or fyve nominat thairin after the quantitie of the burgh for sustentatioun of the ministerie within the samyn And anent the charge given to the provist baillies and counsale of the citie of Glasgow To compeir be thameselffis or twa of thair nowmer auctorizat with thair commissioun befoir the Lordis nominat in the said act or ony fyve or sex of thame At Edinburgh or quhair it salhappen thame to be for the tyme upoun the sext day nixt efter the charge To heir and se ane taxatioun or contributioun modifiit appointed and set to be yearlie payit for sustentatioun of the ministerie within the said burgh Efter the forme and tennour of the said act With certificatioun to thame and thai failzeit the saidis Lordis wald proceid to the making modificatioune and imputting of the said taxt and contributioun upoun the said burgh efter the quantitie thairof As at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis letteris executioun and indorsatioun thairof The saidis Provest baillies and counsale of the citie of Glasgow foirsaid Comperand be James Flemyng and James Boyd quhais ressonis and allegationis being hard and understand to the saidis Lordis and thai ryplie avysit thairwith the Lordis of Secreit Counsale Decernis and Ordanis the provest and baillies of the said Citie To content and pay to thair minister resident within the samyn the soume of four scoir pundis money of this realme of thair awin propir gudis yeirlie in tyme tocum At twa termis in the yeir Witsonday and Martimes in winter be equall portions Begynnand the first termis payment at the feist of Witsonday nixttocum in this instant yeir of God lm vc thre scoir sevin yeris Or at the farthest within xx dayis efter ilk terme under the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the horne And gif thai failzie thairin to put thame to the horne Or to poind and distrenze thair reddiest gudis and geir thairfore And for relief of the saidis provest and baillies That thai imput ane taxatioun indifferentlie upoun al the inhabitantis of the said citie eftir thair habilitie And poind and appryise thair reddiest gudis and gear in caise of non payment And that letteris be direct hereupoun gif neid be in forme as efferis And that the rest of the said ministeris stipend redaris and utheris effairis of the kirk be payit of the reddiest of the annuellis of the said burgh disponit be hir Majestie to that use.