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The Names of the Ministers and Commissioners of the particular Kirkes of Scotland, conveened to consult upon these things, qlks are to set forward God’s Glory and the well of his Kirk in this Realme, in Edinburgh, the twenty day of December one thousand ffyve hundred and sixty years.
John Knox, minister, James Barone, and Edward Houp, Commissioners for Edinburgh;
Christopher Guidman, minister, David Spens, and Mr Robert Kynpont, for Saint Andrews;
Master Johne Rowe, minister, for the Towne of Perth and Kirke thereof;
William Darroch and William Norwell for the Towne of Striviling and Kirk thereof;
Charles Drummond, Provest, James Wotherspoone, and Andrew Milne, for Linlithgow;
Hew Wallace of Carnall, Johne Fullartone of Dreghorne, and
Charles Campbell of Sheldome, for the Kirks of Kyle;
George Hoome of Spott for the Kirks of East Lowthiane;
David Lindsay, minister, Andrew Lambe, and Patrik Boyman, for Leith;
Williame Harlaw, minister, and Robert Fernelay of Braid, for St Cuthbert’s Kirk;
Williame Christiesone, minister, George Lovell, and Williame Carmichael, for Dundie;
Alexander Guthrie of Halkartoune, and Williame Durhame of Grainge, for Forfar;
John Eskine of Dunne and Andrew Milne for Montrose;
The Laird of Tullyvaird and Fethercairne for the Kirks of Merns;
The Laird of Gairlies, Younger, for the Kirks of Nithsdaile;
Mr David Weyms for the Kirk of Carnbie;
Mr Walter Balfoure for the Kirk of Lintone;
Johne Browne, Thomas Boyd, and James Polwart, for Torphichen;
William Lambe, Williame Benole, for Dunbar;
Jame Douglas, James More, for Calder Comites;
Mr Robert Wynrhame for Ratho;
Johne Kincaid for Kirklistoune.
The Names of them quhilks the Ministers and Commissioners thinks most qualified for the ministring of the Word of God and Sacraments, and reading of the Commoun Prayers publicklie in all Kirks and Congregations, and given up be theme every one within their own bounds.
In Kyle, for Reading,
Rankene Davidsone, Richard Bannatyne, Robert Campbell, Hew Wallace, Andraw Lokhart, Andraw Chalmer, James Dalrymple, Adame Landals, all Readers; and Johne Chalmer, appointed to teache.
In Saint Andrews, for Ministring and Teaching,
Master Johne Rutherford, Williame Ramsay, James Wilkie, Robert Hammiltoune, Patrik Coustaine, William Rynde, Williame Skeene, Archibald Hammiltoune, Alexander Arbuthnet, James Kirkaldie, David Collase, Williame Scott, David Weymes, Thomas Buchanan, David Spense, Robert Pont, Johne Wynrhame of Kirkness, Alexander Spense, Johne Woode, David Guild, and Robert Patersone.
Uthers qlk are thoght apt and able, be the Ministers and Commissioners foresaid, to Minister:—
Johne Erskine of Dunne, Johne Fullartoune of Kynnabie, David Forres, Patrik Kinmonth, Mr James Melvill, Richard Melvill, Mr Johne Kellow, Robert Montgomrie, Johne Hepburne, Thomas Hepburne, George Hepburne, and William Lambe, Mr Johne Ramsay, presentit be Sir Johne Borthwik, as Ministers for the Kirks of Aberdour and Torrie.
21st December 1560.
The Ministers and Commissioners forsaids being assembled,—Finds that the Ministrie of the Word and Sacraments of God, and assemblie of the people of the haill parochine of Restalrig, be within the Kirk of Leith; and that the Kirk of Restalrig, as monument of Idolatry, be razed and utterly casten downe and destroyed.
The questione being proponed anent marriage in second and uther degrees of consanguinitie, forbidden be the Pope to be solemnizat betwixt parties,—It is found, that, of the Law of God, mariage may be solemnizat betwixt parties, being of second, third, and fourth Degrees of Affinitie or Consanguinitie, and uthere sick as are not prohibited expresslie be the Word; and, therefore, to desyre the Lords and Estates to interpone their authoritie, approve the same, and make Laws thereupon.
27th December 1560.
The Kirk appointed the Election of the Minister, Elders, and Deacons, to be in the publick Kirk, and the Præmonition to be upon the Sonday preceeding the day of electione.
The Kirk appointed that, to the punishment of fornication, the Law of God be observed, publick repentance to be made be them that shall use carnall copulatione betwixt the Promise and Solemnization of the mariage.
That all such as hes been in the ministrie of the Paip’s Kirk, good and well conditioned persons, that they shall live upon the almes of the Kirk with the number of the Poore.
Consented be the Kirk, that none be put in judiciall offices to be Magistrates, as Provist, Baillies, and Officers of Towns, exceptand them who are knowne to be plain and true Professors of the Evangell. It is also thought expedient, that earnest supplication be made to the Estates of this Realme in Parliament, and to the Lords of Secret Councill, that all judges ordinary, and officers judiciall, sick as the Lords of Secret Councill, Sheriffis, Stewarts, Baillies, and uthers Judges, be Professours of the Treuth, of the trew Word of God; and all Ministers thereof to be removet from sick offices, according to the Civill Law.
To ask at the Estates of Parliament and Lords of Secret Councill, for eschewing of the Wrath and Indignatione of the Eternall God, and removeing of the Plagues threatned in his Law, that sharp punishment be made upon the Persones underwrittin, and uthers Idolaters and Maintainers thereof, in contempt of God, his true Religioun, and also of Parliament, whilk sayes and causes Masse to be said, and are present thereat, within the places following:—
In Nithesdale and Galloway,
The Pryor of Whittorne and his Servants in Cruightoune;
The Laird of Carswell in Carswell;
The Laird of Carleil;
The Laird of Kirnichael, who causes Masse dayly to be said and Images to be holdin up, and Idolatrie to be maintained within his Bounds.
In Fyfe,
The Laird of Balwerie and Lathrisk; Mr Johne Scrymgeour’s wife.
In Kyle, Carrick, and Cunninghame,
The Erles of Eglintoune and Cassills; William Hamilton of Cambus Keith; the Abbot of Corsraguell; the Parochiners of Mayboll, Gariane, Oswald, and Divley, within the whilk kirks Masse is openly said and maintained.
In East Louthiane,
Johne Carbettle in Margill causses Masse daylie to be said; the old Ladie Hoome in Thornetoune; the Curat of Currie for abuseing the Sacraments.
In the Forrest of Etrick,
The Goodman of Gallowschields, who not only causes Masse to be said, but also maintains the sayers thereof, who are Enemies to God and his Truth, and therefore were exylit out of Edinburgh.
The Kirks conveened continows this their Assembly till the 15th day of Januarie nixt to come, and hes thought expedient that the said day ane commissioner at the leist be sent for every kirk, for requireing of such things of the Parliament as shall be thoght for the well of the holy Kirk; and every Commissioner present permitts to come themselves, or cause some others frae the Kirk the said day to the Burgh of Edinburgh, to the effect foresaid; and ordains every Commissioner, alswell of towns as of paroch kirks to landward, to bring ane roll with them of the haill teynds, lands, anwalls, profeits and emoluments of the paroch kirks nixt adjacent to them, and what persons hes tacks thereof, to whom the samen pertains, and their names to be speciallie named, and what dewtie they pay for the samen.