Читать книгу The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland - Various - Страница 7
ОглавлениеThe Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh the 25th day of December 1562, in the quhilk were present the Superintendants, Ministers, and Commissioners.
The whilk day the forenamed Assembly in the old Councill-house, Johne Knox, Minister of Edinburgh, called upon God’s name for the assistance of his Holy Spirit.
In the second and third Session, Superintendants and Ministers were tryed, every Superintendant is removed, and delations given in, and swa the Ministers.
Session Second, holden the 25th of the same moneth.
Anent the sustentation of the Ministers, exhorters, and readers within the burroughs, my Lord Comptroller required the haill Commissioners of Burroughs, presently conveened at this Assembly, that they wauld signifie unto him be word or write, within ane competent space, what reliefe they would make to the sustentation of the ministrie forsaid, In respect that they were before burdened with diverse charges for upholding of sick as called themselves Ministers in the abused Kirk.
Session Third, holden December 29, 1562.
The Kirk presently assembled ordains, That inhibition shall be made to all and sundrie persons now serving in the ministrie who hes entered, being slanderous before in doctrine, hes not satisfied the Kirk: Secondlie, that hes not been presented be the people, or ane part thereof, to the Superintendant; and he, after examination and tryall, hes not appointed them to their charges; and this act to have strenth alswell against them that are called Bishops as uthers pretending to anie ministrie within the Kirk.
Mr Archbald Keith, Minister of Logy and Balmerinoch, was decerned be the Kirk to be translated from the forsaid Kirks to sick place as that his stipend should be more abundantly given him, In caise he be not reasonablie satisfied be the Lords appointed to modifie the ministers’ stipends, provyding he change not at his owne private opinione, But to have therein the judgement and appointment of the Kirk, who shall give their judgement herein ere this Assembly be dissolved.
Session Fourth, holden December 30, 1562.
The Kirk presently assembled gives power to everie Superintendant within their own bounds, in their Assemblies Synodall, with consent of the maist part of the Elders and Ministers of Kirks, to translate Ministers frae ane Kirk to ane other, as they sall consider the necessitie. And in lyke manner chargeth the Minister sua translated to obey the voyce and commandement of the Superintendant; and ordaines furder, That the Superintendants appoint their Synodall Conventiones twyse in the year, to witt, in the moneths of Aprile and October, on sick days within the said moneths as the Superintendant shall think good; and that they give sufficient advertisements to the particular Kirks, that the Minister with ane Elder or Deacone may repare toward the place appointed be the Superintendants, at the daye that salbe affixed be them, to consult upon the common effaires of their Dioces.
Session Fifth, holden the last of December 1562.
The Kirk gives commission to the Superintendants of Angus, Lowthiane, Glasgow, and Fyfe, with David Forrester, to travell with the Lords of the Secreit Counsell to know what cause sall come in Judgement to the Kirk, and what Order of Execution sall be taken therin.
It is concluded, That ane uniforme order sall be taken or keeped in ministration of the Sacraments, and solemnization of Mariages and Buriall of the Dead, according to the Kirk of Geneva. Attour ordains, That the Communion be administered foure times in the yeere within the Burrowes, and twyse in the yeere toward landwart.
Forsamickle as it was heavilie lamentit be the maist pairt of the Ministers that they can have no Dwelling places at their Kirks, because the Manses ar either deteinit be the Parsons or Vicars of the samen, or else sett in Few or utherwayes to Gentlemen, The Clerk Register and Justice Clerk desyres the Superintendants to signifie to the Clerk of the Rentalls where the said Mansis are, and in what Countrey, to the Effect that the saids Mansis may be assignit to them Third-part; and thereafter that the saids Ministers complimandand may be staiked and helped to the samen for their commoditie and remaining with their Flocke.
Notwithstanding the proponing and nomination of the Superintendants for Aberdein, Bamf, Jedburgh, and Dumfries, appointed of before in the third Session, and the days appointed for election of the same, the whole Kirk remitts further advisement and Nomination of the persons to the Lords of Secreit Counsell, provyding allwayes that the Dayes appointed for the election be not prolonged.